Pardon me, but does anyone else think leaving our takeover till his second term was a teeny, itty-bitty bit less like eleventy-dimension chess and more like "I got this, bitches," than one is quite comfortable with? I mean, had the Other Side fielded a better team . . . Oh. Never mind. Carry on, dear leader.
Steve Zahn was in "Sahara"...the actual Sahara is in Africa...Obama's from Africa! Oh my God, it was right in front of us the whole time...
<i>That terrible event would constitute the perfect answer to all Obama&rsquo;s problems, the fulfillment of the left&rsquo;s fondest dreams.</i>
Sounds like something taken right from the Cheney playbook.
<i>Hmmm</i>. Guess we&#039;re gonna need to be a lot better about the security at our seekrit cabalish conspiratorial get-togethers. Personally, I&#039;d be happier if someone just brought donuts once in a while (<i>mmm</i>, maple crullers).
Wait, what were we talking about again? And are we supposed to be taking notes?
First off, I totes missed the memo re the seekret meeting, so I&#039;m out-of-the-loop on our latest diabolical plan.
Second, what is our motivation for all this sneaky destruction? Yeah, probably covered in the meeting, but like I said, I missed it. I mean, even Bond villains have monetary or world-domination goals, but I&#039;m foggy as to what we personally gain out of our evil Agenda 21 plans.
Combined with Rotel Tomatoes we say &quot;Velvetta La Revolucion!&quot;
Or during WWII, Hitler could have won. OMG! Global warming deniers are helping Hitler!!1! <i>(yep, i went Godwin)</i>
How does a vagina see, anyway? Vag-vision?
Some of us WORK for that guy, who ThankOdin is not related.
Can we all compromise on <i>Schmuck</i>?
But Kupelian sounds like a brave warrior for the Empire of Humanity.
Hey now, tabletop warriors are MUCH more reality-centered than this Kupelian guy!
From somewhere lower down, I think.
Pardon me, but does anyone else think leaving our takeover till his second term was a teeny, itty-bitty bit less like eleventy-dimension chess and more like &quot;I got this, bitches,&quot; than one is quite comfortable with? I mean, had the Other Side fielded a better team . . . Oh. Never mind. Carry on, dear leader.
Steve Zahn was in &quot;Sahara&quot;...the actual Sahara is in Africa...Obama&#039;s from Africa! Oh my God, it was right in front of us the whole time...
Might as well grab one. These nutjobs aren&#039;t going anywhere for a while.
<i>How about we keep moving forward on our plan to lie about global warming?</i>
It rained here in Hartford Connecticut on Saturday. <b>In January!</b> Global warming proven. Case closed.
<i>That terrible event would constitute the perfect answer to all Obama&rsquo;s problems, the fulfillment of the left&rsquo;s fondest dreams.</i>
Sounds like something taken right from the Cheney playbook.
<i>Hmmm</i>. Guess we&#039;re gonna need to be a lot better about the security at our seekrit cabalish conspiratorial get-togethers. Personally, I&#039;d be happier if someone just brought donuts once in a while (<i>mmm</i>, maple crullers).
Wait, what were we talking about again? And are we supposed to be taking notes?
<i>Bamz has already started feminizing and homosexicanizing the military.</i>
Wait, wait, wait, wait. Nobummer was in the <i>Village People</i>?!!eleven!
First off, I totes missed the memo re the seekret meeting, so I&#039;m out-of-the-loop on our latest diabolical plan.
Second, what is our motivation for all this sneaky destruction? Yeah, probably covered in the meeting, but like I said, I missed it. I mean, even Bond villains have monetary or world-domination goals, but I&#039;m foggy as to what we personally gain out of our evil Agenda 21 plans.