Sesame Street is remarkably bad at murdering all the white men. It’s almost like that’s not what it does at all.

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I think it’s time for us Wonketters to start our own Conservative America Eagle Gun Flag Group so that we can just make up hilarious things to be “outraged” about, have thousands of dupes send us money, and spend it all on our mommy blog. And weed.

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Wait till they find out that Miss Piggy and Kermit have been bumping uglies since, forever. Also too, Gonzo and his chickens. Not that there is anything wrong with it.

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As Bert and Ernie were named after the Bedford Falls cop and taxi driver from "It's a Wonderful Life", yes, back then pretty much every year was a White Christmas.

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More recently, on Newsmax, host Greg Gutfeld was reduced to lobbing schoolyard taunts at Kermit the Frog, because Kermit and Miss Piggy wouldn't even DEBATE HIM! about vaccines.You should probably fix this.

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When I was a child, I’m pretty sure I learned about deafness because of Linda on Sesame Street. Even though I have mixed feelings about tv as an educational tool (Sesame Street is waay more commercial now, I think) I still appreciate its ability to expose children to people and ideas that might in some way be different from the world beyond their immediate family and homes.

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Schlapp later backed off his position by saying he might be ok with an Asian who laid railroad tracks instead of playing the guitar.

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Amazing what whiny little babies these conservatives have all become. And they wonder why nobody wants to sleep with them without serious monetary compensation.

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GOP: Children's Television Workshop no, Children's Workhouse yes

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I once ran into a feller who insisted Sesame Street was invented to destroy the traditional family.

He should meet my parents, who have been married 52 years.

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Pretty sure “Big Birding” is a kinky wingnut version of foreplay that godly women find confusing and men find shameful.

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Bert and Ernie are gay and white. The Simpsons are yellow, but white. Trump is Orange, but white. Is it so hard to accept that a gay couple obsessed with rubber duckies and pigeons would be white?

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Doesn't HBO own Sesame Street now?

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To this day, whenever I need to count something, it's in the Counts voice.


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Cookie Monster may not have a discernible racial identity, but as someone here pointed out the other day the placement of eyes on top of his head strongly suggest that he evolved as an ambush predator.

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But are they miserable, in the way traditional families are?

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