I detect a flaw in their argument: if they&#039;re strong<em>er</em> than anything known to man, that must mean they&#039;re unknown to man, so how can we know how strong they are?
It&#039;s ridiculous that I get peeved by this, but I&#039;m afraid I can&#039;t help it. / is a slash; \\ is a backslash (which turns out to confuse IntenseDebate a little).
She didn&#039;t give her even one pill. The pharmacist, who was not Spinelli, gave her two pills; she took one before being arrested. Upon her arrest, the pill was taken from her, and Spinelli refused to give it back.
I&#039;ve been programming C-family languages for 20 years, hence my peevishness :P
I learned it simply by observing that / is the one you see in regular English usage, and \\ is the &quot;backwards&quot; version of the common one, which also happens to be how it got its name.
I detect a flaw in their argument: if they&#039;re strong<em>er</em> than anything known to man, that must mean they&#039;re unknown to man, so how can we know how strong they are?
It&#039;s ridiculous that I get peeved by this, but I&#039;m afraid I can&#039;t help it. / is a slash; \\ is a backslash (which turns out to confuse IntenseDebate a little).
<blockquote>Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.) </blockquote>
She didn&#039;t give her even one pill. The pharmacist, who was not Spinelli, gave her two pills; she took one before being arrested. Upon her arrest, the pill was taken from her, and Spinelli refused to give it back.
She traded the other &quot;L&quot; for a delicious corn dog. <a href="http://static8.businessinsi..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://static8.businessinsider.com/image/4e49467f...">http://static8.businessinsi...
I&#039;ve been programming C-family languages for 20 years, hence my peevishness :P
I learned it simply by observing that / is the one you see in regular English usage, and \\ is the &quot;backwards&quot; version of the common one, which also happens to be how it got its name.
Sexy, that&#039;s a very enticing avatar. Also, nice glutes.
Obviously her eggs were asking for it.
There have been a lot of rapes around Mediterranean and Baltic Avenues. She should move from that side of the board.
More good news: A hidden proviso in Florida&#039;s budget to privatize all prison healthcare for 100,000 prisoners is in peril. <a href="http://www.miamiherald.com/..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/06/26/2869424/pri...">http://www.miamiherald.com/...
Sharia law or not, the USA is getting more like Saudi Arabia by the day.
She should consider herself lucky. In Arizona, she would also have to prove her residency.