My all-time favorite is how you can see the scars on his head, from where the alien reptiloid was inserted into his brain. (Trump's people looked into it, and you <i>wont believe</i> what they found!)

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Definitely keep her away from the computer.

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Ah, that explains why his putsch was launched from a beer hall, instead of a barracks or palace, where coups usually originate!

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Black. Enhanced by Democrat. (I can still remember some pretty good hatred for ol' Bubba).

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<a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Hospital_emergency_codes#Code_Grey" target="_blank">Code Grey</a>

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He was sure the bestest community organizer in the world tell me another Muslin that you know who can get all those old white fellows to come together and have sechs and give coke away at such a young age when all the other Muslin boys are off fighting and such.I wonder what happened to him hell he cant get old white men to do shit now unlessen he gives them a tax break and they sure as hell aint given away any coke in return

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Whatevs happened to that guy who swore up and down that he sold W Bush the coke, and then happened to disappear into the deepest, darkest part of Jail-town?

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It's astounding

time is fleeting

madness takes its toll

(that step to the right must have been a doozy)

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but I've got a driver and that's a start

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Of course they do! And then the next sentence is, "But if it's about Blacky O'Bama, it almost has to be true, and the almost doesn't count."

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Mic: <i>dropped.</i>

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or too much of C_R_eature's ayahuasca tea

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Only if he was blowing the CIA operative at the same time.

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No coke? What kind of sugardaddy doesn't feed his boy toy massive amounts of coke? Isn't that part of the code or something?

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