I checked out a sample - pretty cute :)

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Also, besides moving steadily in the direction of fascist authoritarian white supremacy for decades, the GOP has been steadily sinking deeper into the rotten mire of corruption. Rotten and corrupt? They make the Lord Weird Slough Feg (comic book reference, and if you don't know about him, take my word, Slough Feg is rotten} look wholesome.

Richard Nixon is the usual reference point for Republican corruption, authoritarian attitudes, and paranoia, but the GOP actually went downhill from there. Reagan was a professional B movie actor and far better at seeming amiable and clean-cut, but his racism was rank and his administration really WAS, in Trump's oft-used phrase, one of "the most corrupt in history." U.S. history, anyway.

I'm not even thinking much about the Iran-Contra thing.

There was the way Reagan's Department of Housing and Urban Development rigged grants to favour GOP contributors. Sixteen convictions there. Actual convictions, not rumour and assertion. James Watt, Secretary of the Interior, was indicted on two dozen felony counts. There were the lobbying scandals. Deaver, Reagan's Chief of Staff, was convicted of lying both to Congress and a federal grand jury. Again, convicted, not just accused and smeared. There were the EPA scandals, including Sewergate. The bribery scandal over Defense Department contracts.

George Walker Bush and his vile team lied and manipulated and pushed America into the Iraq War under completely false prenses.

And then came Trump and Trumpism.

And O'Malley Dillon just called them a bunch of fuckers? She was gentle.

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Oh my! She called them fuckers and their little fee fees got hurt? Awww, thank goodness she didn't call them deplorable!

If they are that offended by "fuckers" then these mother fucking, fucking asshole shit sucking traitorous pieces of shit bastard mother fucking fucking fucks would be scandalized by how i refer to them on a bad day or you know, just watching my nightly msnbc shows.

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I hope it's decided that there are things that should not be tolerated.

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Biden has all sorts of surrogates who can get all sorts of messages out there that need to be said, but not by him.

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This does remind me of 1946 where a new incoming German administration had someone who said the word "sheiße". Well, it obviously was a pivotal moment that was so awful, that the whole NS apparatus goes back up! What other choice did they have??? Think about it - you'd get more death and destruction but without a curse word aired, or a curse word aired and no death and destruction. My poor ears! Help them, they need a'washin'!!!!

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I respectfully disagree with your first sentence. And fuck their scrutiny. If it’s not going to be about potty mouth, you know there’s always another item or 40 to bemoan.

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The older I get, the more I fucking swear.

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I like sticking it to these fuckers too, but I am just a private citizen. Maybe I should lighten up, but I would like to return to the boring Obama era- getting shit done with an intelligent and well spoken person who represents our country.

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Except that the fuckers in Congress prevented Obama's administration from getting a lot of shit done.

Know how to avoid being called a fucker? Stop being a fucker.

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That's it? They're pissed about that? Look, does anyone have the Biden campaign's number? I want to call and offer my services as a profanity consultant. If that's it, they obviously need instructions from a professional. I have reasonable rates, and spent extensive time in detention, and have been tossed out of "respectable establishments" for the quality of my swearing and ability to "blister the paint". Pro tip: Fucktards beats fuckers every god damn time.

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Protip: not around here it doesn't. That construction is generally unwelcome, not to mention fairly pedestrian.

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Fuckbonkers nutrag! Syphilitic badger! You're so dumb, if you were an Ouroboros you would be eating your own face!Mandatory coprophage!Slackjawed shitgibbon!

Or if you really wish to offend instead of entertain: Failed rapist! You're the creepy uncle nobody ever leaves alone with their kids!

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Don't give them an inch. Those fuckers can choose between not being fuckers or fucking off.

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