As a guy who toiled for 25 years in social work, almost everyone I ever worked with (and for) was a woman. And yeah, a small number (less than a bunch, but more than just a couple) of them were jerks. In a more representative group of people in a less "gendered" workplace I don't think the phenomenon of jerkdom would be all that gender-specific.

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Just finished Shadow of Mordor, which was awesome (the first major DLC was kinda a let down, IMO...) and I'm back to playing Skyrim (for the 3rd time) and my standby Marvel Heroes (the comic nerd in me couldn't resist that when it came out, even though it was TERRIBLE at launch, it's much better now...)

I didn't pay too much attention to the GamerGate thing, because I generally don't like indie games all that much... (and I also think that a lot of typical gamers are intolerable douchecanoes...)

I played DA:O and DA2, but I have yet to touch DA:I... It's on my "hopefully there's a 50%+ off on Steam during the holiday sale" wishlist, however.

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I am in "tech" (I do systems administration...), in my graduating class, there was literally ONE girl. Frankly, that's an intolerable figure. Not only is it bad for obvious reasons, but when most of the people graduating from that program were 20ish (I went back to school as an older guy in my 30s...) and they've just spent 3 years of their lives surrounded by 99% (pretty much literally) other guys, it's not setting anyone up for success in the real world.

Also, on a strictly personal (and selfish) note... Would be nice to have some dating prospects in my social group as well... IT folk aren't an especially outgoing breed...

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Hey North Korea,

Can you go hack <em>these</em> Neanderthals?

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Female engineers should stick to designing a sammich synthesizer.

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The lady who reviews online games got the rape threats and managed to track down one of the poster's mother (he was 13) who made damn sure he apologized to the lady, to the boy's sisters, and that once he got back online his mom would be keeping an eye on his postings.

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'Libertarians' being Republicans who smoke pot?

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She should have told the kid her fantasy of him being sodomized in a Turkish prison.

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When you're sitting in your mom's basement covered in Cheetos dust, it's probably hard to stop re-living those days in high school fifteen years ago when no girls would even look at you.

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The only time the sandwich joke was funny to me was when, after reading a Wonket post, I went over to the Catholic Sistas website, which is almost entirely sandwich recipes.

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man make

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I'm currently logged into Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn and running around gathering berries in Pokemon Omega Ruby, all while I redownload Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance off Steam.

So with those credentials established, fuck Gamergate, fuck two-thirds of Reddit, and holy hell I can hardly wait for the next "Deleted Comments of the Day" entry.

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Or <a href="http:\/\/www.liveforfilms.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2013\/04\/weird-science.jpg" target="_blank">Lisa.</a>

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