That's what I do: give my time when I can.

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Why do you think he wants this stupid wall so much? It's the only monument he'll ever get.

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I’m not rolling in dough, but I contributed bags and bags of food and toys last month for food and toy drives. I recently donated to my local homeless shelter. A lot of not wealthy people do what they can, because they know how it is, and would hope that others would help them if they needed it.

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As I understand it, Li'l Donnie gets very upset when he's portrayed as an infant throwing a tantrum.


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Oh, Turgid, I am such a big fan. Please, give us another of your gay fapping fantasies.

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I'd like to raise my hand, but it's either run for President or do yard work, and I hate yard work.

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He can pwn El Presidente simply be being competent.

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He can't act like a "proud progressive" because he isn't and never has been one.

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Shall we tell him about the Chinese calendar? I believe they’re at 4716 currently.

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This was in some book.... it had a bunch of authors.... I think it started with a 'B'?

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I have and I LOVE them.

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I went to a mega church once (my aunt by marriage's church) my cousin took her baby to be christened there. The tithes went in this huge basket that was guarded by four guys with guns. My cousin's baby get "christened" after the service, the "pastor" held the baby said a prayer, did not even put holy water or oil on him his mom didn't even get a candle. My very Episcopalian family had much to say about that (not very good out the sides of our mouths) and we have not been back since.

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That's why they're having problems finding translators as well the people don't speak Spanish but local languages Quechua and the like.

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Good for you!

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I am willing to give any well written Sherlock Holmes story a try. I am also enjoying Kareem Abdul Jabbar's Mycroft Holmes stories as well.

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He and his wife are very charitable towards a pool boy. I believe there is alot of kneeling involved.

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