Just as an aside, looking at the header pic I realized that drunken bricklaying must have been a serious problem back in the day.

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That's a tough one...

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Heading: who knew? (we did)


Tha naturnal anthem is racist? (hint: the 'free' in 'the land of the free' could own human beings)

The Declaration of Independence is racist? (hint: 'all men are created equal' did not include enslaved Africans or wild Indians).

America is racist? (ahem;

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We are watching, in Donald Trump, full of rage because he's losing and under the influence of Bannon et al., a time-lapse lesson about the evolution of small-minded, pettily racist, slogan-spouting, proto-facist bullyism into full-blown, rule-of-law hating facism -- all in a matter of a few days. Are yeh watchin, America? Are you calling it what it is, talking heads?

I saw this somewhere: 'Feel her up' is bad, but 'Lock her up' is worse.

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P.S. I am encouraged by how, as his nastiness factor goes up, his share of the vote goes down; but I'm concerned that a substantial portion of the Fox audience will be drawn along into Breitbard land with Loser McBabyhands McRageface.

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Eh. That's just how you correct for a couple of bad courses. (political analogy at hand...)

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Obama is en fuego at a campaign rally in Cleveland. Why can't we have him for another term? Stupid constitution.

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It was both, and more. 'Libel means f*ing someone up with words, but Trump already f*ed himself up so completely that nothing we write could hurt him any further.' I.e. yr client is a complete self-cock-shooting-off moroon.

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Trump on David Duke's endorsement:

"Whaa?? I don't even. Who is that? What is this white supremacy thing? I don't know anything about it."

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There's still three weeks -- plenty of time for Trump to go Full Facist and lose every state but one or two. Low odds but not impossible.

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HRC is in the video, though 'disguised' by a 9/11 dust mask. Refute that, you libtard demoncrats!

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I'll settle for probably the most highly qualified woman in American politics. Even Republicans (the somewhat honest ones) praise her knowledge, skills, seriousness, and work ethic. See for example the 10/13 Morning Joe segment titled 'I am Joe's optimism' or something to that effect.

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stupid 22nd Amendment, which was passed to prevent another disaster like reelecting four times the president who won WWII and got us out of the Great Depression.

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...And I'd be selling your comic book on ebay. Those 1950's 3D comics are BANK, yo!

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Thank you

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David tennant and penguins. YUM

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