Looking at that list, I think it's implied.

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I would LOVE to hear the logic that Pence used to convince himself this was a good career move.

I'd also love to hear about his vampire daughter.

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Haha that was unintentional, but now I can't unsee it. :( I am shame personified.

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Kōji libel!

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"Simple" and "Republican" go together like "Trump" and bankrupt".

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And the penguins are typically found in what-color environment... ?

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Oh, don't be ashamed! It was a great line!

Welcome to the Dark Side!!!

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I'm more ashamed that it was unintentional.

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Definitely not cuddly.

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The ultimate manifestation of "My tribe makes mistakes, it's ok because we have good intention. Their tribe, the worst mistake by the least individual is representative of all of them and no quarter is given."

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Last week, a giant moving truck was backing down our street (we live on a narrow, hilly street in the Hollywood hills, and the driver had realized too late he couldn't make it up past the hairpin turns). The moving truck was about one more turn to where the street widens a bit (that's where we live), and then about fifty yards back to the main street. But right then a pickup truck came up the street and neither could get past.

The only solution, obviously, was for the pickup truck to back up a few feet into the wider part and move aside, and let the giant truck continue, but instead the driver stopped, got out and screamed at the moving truck. The moving truck driver, a Messican, tried to explain, but the conversation immediately devolved to: "Fuck you!" "Please, if you could back down--" "No, YOU take your fucking moving truck and go back up the street!" "Just a few feet, then I can get past you--" "I"M NOT MOVING MY FUCKING TRUCK ANYWHERE! Fuck you! I'm calling the police!" This went on for about fifteen minutes, and then the pickup truck backed up a few feet and the moving truck continued back down the street. The pickup truck continued up on its way, I assume, to the republican convention.

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So he can see it too? And applaud the crowd's appreciation of his choice in bimbo?

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My very first employee. After two weeks says to me "You know, this is the fifty second job I've had."(Wtf? I've had five jobs my whole life) Blah, blah blah. Even more out of nowhere: "I'd never leave you hanging" Never saw her again. This was eighteen years ago.

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step daughter made me a blackberry pie for my visit....

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donald just keeps exposing republican hypocrisy after hypocrisy, it's almost magical because they have literally no where to hide anymore

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I think the very real possibility that he's going to be VP convinced him. I know, the polls are all wrong, like Fox news kept saying in 2012 right up through election night.

I'll be under my bunk.

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