You have to have a few flaws for it to be convincing - "perfect" things trigger the Uncanny Valley effect.

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Also penny tipper McConnell.

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And a chipped ham sammich!

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The response of Ryan and McConnell to the Khan controversy shows just how testiculary challenged these two scumbags are

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You absolutely deserve to have to write extra letters...:)

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Isaly's is long gone. I miss Isaly's chipped ham.

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As comprehensive as this agenda is, glaringly missing is (what should lead it every fucking week) the mocking of the reporter with the developmental disability. Based on the little research I have done there are enough people in the US with some sort of severe enough motor problems, or obvious other (like Down's) syndrome thing going on in their life that EVERYONE has a relative, friend or neighbor who has something like that in their circle of acquaintance.

If you search the interwebs you can find advice on how to "lovingly correct" a child, or young adult who, through ignorance, might mock such a person. I have not been able to find anything on how you correct a fucking grown ass 70 year old man-child. I posted this on my face place, in a most non-political way and was cyber yelled at by some of my (now former) face place "friends". Somehow neither my cousin with the Down's granddaughter nor the two long time family friends with lingering effects of their childhood Polio (yes I'm that fucking old) have responded.

The "good christianists" that I know pointed out that Drumpf never met the person in question so, "how could he know?" I pointed out that when someone begins a sentence with; "you ought to see this guy" and then PRETTY FUCKING EXACTLY mimics the guy's movements, then he is FUCKING LYING.

I calculate that by Friday my face place "friends" will be down to Mrs Rat and my dog. Doggy seldom posts because of lack of keyboarding skills.

Fuck "humanity".

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Thanks be to God... I live in WASHINGTON so I can smoke a joint and laugh at all this political insanity.... Imagine the GOP has a FSB mole in Trump .... or maybe the Mrs T is really just an old fashioned girl.... of the FSB.... What a great story line that would make

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I think I'd rather have them out in front of me, where I can see them. ;-)

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smart. Wear a nose plug tho

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Wait, Humayun went to UVA (graduated with my SIL actually). Why donate to Penn instead? Like, I know Drumpf is a megalomaniac, but that makes zero sense. Maybe I just don't know how charitable donations to universities work...

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Who would have ever thought we'd long for the days of her well thought out, cogent and understandable speech like utterances.

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Clearly SisterSarah didn't teach them anything about not using "blood libel"

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you forgotted soft pretzels. Real ones, not those doused in butter weird assed shit everyone else has.

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