Ever heard of Statement of Need (SON)? Ever heard of the Program Objective Memorandum (POM)? It's the service requirements document that feeds the Combatant Commanders' Integrated Priorities List (IPL), that buys hardware (Like F-22s and their War Reserve Materiel -- pry bars and starter carts and shit) in the out years. I worked on SONs and on the annual POM for USAFE for years. I worked the operations angle, not the acquisition business, but it's impossible to do one without learning a little bit about the other. Oh, and I worked for General "Speedy" Martin for a few years when he was busy fucking up the last USAF tanker buy. You may have read about it. Google it.

Ever heard of the PPBE? It's how the DoD gets funding to run and includes the forgoing. Here is a brief overview if you'd like to discuss this with real information instead of you opinions.


If you think the $100 hammer is bullshit, read this:http://www.pogo.org/our-wor...

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Except that SnapOn makes non-sparking tools. That was the best part, you say you'll order 20,000 special brass Torx-head bits, they'll start making them. (Of course you still have display systems in helicopters using tri-axial cable that NOBODY else uses, knows how to fix, or even what it is, and something tells me that cable cost a lot more than the $2/foot that co-axial cable costs.)

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No books to read?

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we are on a hiking vaca in CO and last night we rewatched Team America followed by SNL.

it is an all around alec baldwin kinda trip.

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They are no better than other high-end professional tool companies. They just have a brand and a really good warranty. However, they are vastly superior to the off-brand, 3rd rate junk that the military bought for decades because the bid come in a bit lower. I personally thought that they should go with Sears Craftsman tools (back when they were good). It turns out that the Craftsman Lifetime Warranty is only for non-commercial use.

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Scion, sounds too much like a soft scab, filled with yellow puss beneath, leaking just a bit. Toyota research uncovered this little known fact, allegedly.

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Hillary did it.

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Yea I didn't know if anyone would pick up on a bad 70's song relate.

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Plenty. That doesn't do anything to assuage my wish to FUCKING END THIS ALREADY.

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"in an effort to de-Trumpify all the hotels with his name bolted to the front of buildings in YOOGE gold letters."Too bad the letters probably aren't real gold; then they'd actually be worth something to someone other than Trump himself.

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I hear you. But just two more weeks - we can do it!!!

I mentioned the books in hope that they might distract you a bit whilst we grind through what promises to be two of the weirdest-ass weeks in U.S. political history.

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So....are Coats and Bayh just planning on trading that Senate seat back and forth for all time or something?

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I must say, I'm pretty disappointed in the anemic use of the Clinton Murder Machine this election cycle. I've got a list a mile long of people still walking around spewing shit who should be in the cold ground if Hillary was working to her full capabilities.

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This is where aikido shines - you don't do any direct damage to them, you just get out of their way and give them a bit of a boost in the direction they were already going.

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I don't know how the NYT missed all those tweets about windmills and how "ugly" they are. TRUMP DOESN'T LIKE WINDMILLS.

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I don't trust a guy who's spent almost 40 years looking for a fucking salt shaker. Just drink the damn thing without salt.

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