That makes sense. Coddle Donnie. Dodge scandal bullets.

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You have to give him credit. He lasted longer than most libertarians at proving he's a total fool. (I'm not impressed by libertarians, does it show?)

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Someone at C&L came up with the term "Donarrhea". I think we should spread it around.

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Exactly the quote I was thinking of.

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The word, not the condition.

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Agreed. Harming our nation to maximize ad-$pace revenue or broadca$t-ranking$ is not acceptable.

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Well, that part I figure is all in a day's work for her, since they've been doing for most of her adult life at this point.

I can't figure out why they're keeping it up now, though. I know the media isn't actually all that liberal, and I know there's long standing animosity between most anyone in the media and anyone named Clinton.

But the alternative is a guy who's revoking press credentials at presidential campaign events, wants to "open up the libel laws" so he can legally go after reporters who criticize him(by writing down his actual words) and who creates a frankly dangerous atmosphere for reporters trying to do their jobs. Katy Tur talks about being escorted to her car by the Secret Service because Trump got the crowd so riled up at the reporters, and I know he's gone after her specifically more than once. And we all know he's fine with his own staff assaulting reporters. Even friendly ones.

Except for the nuttiest of the wing nuts, I can't believe they really want Trump to win - they must understand what he'd do with the concept of a free press. I don't care how much they hate Clinton, or she hates them - she's got to be the better option. So what are they even doing? Why are they giving him such a pass? Why are her emails in the news every day, when Trump U isn't? Why is her coughing serious business and his ridiculous doctor's note just gets an "oh,that's just Donald"? Why do they say he looks presidential anytime he doesn't publicly shit himself? Why does he get Baby's First Foreign Policy questions when she gets real ones, and why are their answers then given equal weight?

So many questions. Maybe I should be a reporter.

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Submitted without comment.https://pbs.twimg.com/media...

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You definitely hit the jack pot.

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Like Mickey in 'Snatch', I can see what kind of fight this is gonna be. The press holds Clinton to strict standards that have never been applied before, like private email. They badger her with questions about matters that have already been settled, recycling debunked allegations ad nauseam.

Meanwhile, Trump is allowed to lie, cheat, and steal unchallenged in real time -- telling tall tales, changing his positions back and forth for effect, and funneling campaign funds into his private businesses. Then we get the headline: Trump Shows Confidence, Clinton Struggles With The Truth.

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NBC: Trump claims about intelligence briefing.


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As a Bronco fan I can tell you that any victory involving Tebow will make you believe in divine intervention.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Meanwhile, back in Russia:


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This should get your rocks off.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Here's the Andy Borowitz take on Matt Lauer's interview with Donnie Rump:

Responding to a question about his qualifications to be Commander-in-Chief, Donald Trump told NBC’s Matt Lauer on Wednesday night, “At my rallies, I have ordered many, many people to attack other people. In the heat of the moment, you have to decide who is going to hit which person, when, and how hard,” Trump said. “I have ordered more people to attack other people than most of our generals have.”He said that the outcome of the fights at his rallies showed that he has the judgment necessary to be Commander-in-Chief. “You always want to make the bigger guy hit the littler guy,” he said. “That’s how you win.”Asked about his strategy for defeating isis, Trump said, “What I learned from my rallies is that you never tell people in advance how you’re going to attack them. You wait until they least expect it, and you sucker-punch them in the face. That’s what I would do to isis.” He contrasted his extensive experience ordering people to attack one another with Hillary Clinton’s “complete lack of experience” in the same arena. “You look at her rallies, no one’s hitting anybody, she’s not telling anybody to hit anybody, and people are just sitting there,” he said. “It’s a disgrace.”

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PROOF teh Donald spray tans his ass!!!

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