I agree. Very chill, very mellow...

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And only allegedly offered the $10000 ( from the Trump Foundation his private slush fund ) when he decided he wanted the REALLY kinky stuff....

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Yeah. The Rebs are good at covering their ass at everybody else's expense. And it's probably too iffy for the FBI. Without an actual foreign donor.

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Oh, yeah, forgot to add THAT part. http://www.vox.com/identiti...

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As it is, that "Drumthwacket Foundation" is dedicated to maintaining the NJ Governor's estate - in Princeton, NJ, 35 miles or so inland. I couldn't find any reports of damage to the Drumthwacket estate from superstorm Sandy....

Christie is apparently treating that foundation like Donald treats the Trump Foundation - without even his name on it....

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How far do we dragon these bad puns?

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Hopefully, they will be closed to the general Internets...

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Or vis versa.

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One has to wonder how Tomi "saw" that deep "love" of Rump's?

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I think Tomi "sees" that she's a fringe-dwelling whackjob who is going to be in excess of requirements in a few weeks and it looks like Breitbart's hiring for a startup.

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I can stop any time I want. Orc can I?

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So basically he threw in a few bucks so Mrs C could gild some stuff around the house.

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I keep forgetting that part. Why is there so much inertia?I recall quite clearly when Ontario went to single-payer. I was either in grade 7 or 8. There was a bit of fuss and resistance, it was implemented all at once, and within a year it was 'don't mess with my free health care!'

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you spin me round or GTFO

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OT Sorry Wonkers , but this is a pet peeve of mine. I am oldz and I become "GTFO my lawn" when I hear people say how great the 50's were, and they are too young to know and/or have done shit research. Yes, the 50's were better than the Depression and WW II, but they were not great for a lot of people and we sure as hell don't want to go back. There. I'm done. (for today)http://www.salon.com/2016/1...The link is how most Trump supporters think things have gotten worse since the 50's. Duh.

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On healthcare, I wish Dems would be loud and clear that in at least 8 years, the GOP has offered diddley squat, zero, zip, nada, no thing on healthcare but complain. Gawd forbid they should pass something and force the Bammers to veto it. Of course we need to keep working on it. Look how long it took to get drugs in Medicare.

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