He's probably already working on the request for crowdfunding to cover the fine.

S'true, McDaniel's minions would have to be morons not to realize they'd be investigated after Stevie Fielder publicly accused them of paying him to say Cochran's campaign was using him to buy votes... but then, they <em>are</em> McDaniel's minions so...

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I'm sure he will using the classic "My Bad" defence.

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<i> (herein referred to as “Dave“).</i>


(herein referred to as <a href="http:\/\/www.thetoyshop.com\/medias\/sys_master\/images\/8845754957854\/minion-dave-cutout-375Wx375H.jpg" target="_blank"> “Dave“</a>).

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If I've learned anything from Law & Order: SVU, it's that nothing leads to mistrial until Dick Wolf's name appears on the screen. Also I learned that no matter what happens, Olivia will say "it's going to be OK".

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Uhm. Subpoena = called as witness, correct? So, absolutely no implication that Johnson is the subject of the investigation, and absolutely no basis for the wild fantasy that it's an attempt to shut him up.

The secrecy surrounding grand jury proceedings is for two purposes - to avoid obstruction of justice, and to avoid needlessly smearing the names of those for whom there isn't enough evidence to indict. Accordingly, is there not a metric fuckton of precedent upholding the penalties for violating that secrecy? Mr. Johnson's in the shit.

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Dave needs to find more sympathetic clients to represent, like maybe the folks who swindle the elderly or oil executives.

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So... looks like grand jury subpoenas are sealed court records. Which I believe would make their unauthorized disclosure constructive criminal contempt of court.

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