Once again, Benghazi didn't even make the list.

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B'but what if you hate and fear the Facebook and don't want your pathetic interests relayed to all your friend?

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It is just a recurring theme, stemming from a misspelling on some Dear-Shit-Fer-Brains email or comment about, what, a year ago? It's along the same lines as "worthly Wokette skum".

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Supplemental reading about Ferguson from one of those fancy European publications: <a href="http://www.economist.com/ne..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.economist.com/news/united-states/21613...">http://www.economist.com/ne...

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The obvious aim of the conservative media is to make conservative politicians look respectable in comparison.

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You gotta wonder what the draw is to work as a MO licensed law enforcement officer at Ferguson PD. I suspect that if you look at the average officer's career history, I suspect several of them were probably fired from larger PD agencies because of all the issues we're seeing in Dok's expose's on Missouri PD officers on Facebook. They are horrible at human interaction and processing and dealing with family or social emergencies, but love the lethal and non-lethal weapons and the Ford Crown Victorias (now Ford Explorers).

If you were fired for being a shitty police officer in a large town, it's still pretty easy to get a lower paying job with benefits (and keep your state law enforcement commission) in a smaller town all while perfoming as a shitty police officer with pathetic technical and tactical mantra because you still have your state certification. The State Law Enforcement Officer commission has a hand in this because it's probably run by retired officers.

We're really good at this shit in Texas. I personally know a couple of Grade A+ fucktards who couldn't make it in Austin but are officers in small towns, still working and still being really obnoxious dicks.

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Another perspective from a journalist about Ferguson: <a href="http://www.roguecolumnist.c..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.roguecolumnist.com/rogue_columnist/201...">http://www.roguecolumnist.c...

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It's the same in my office: Cats get all the good equipment.

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So... a RWNJ is not a BJ or an HJ. More like a circle jerk, right?

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<b>P</b> Vote of confidence.... <i>See "P-ness"</i> <b>P-ness</b> Size matters.

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Poor Rick Perry. If only he hadn't shot his mouth off publicly about pulling funding from the public integrity unit unless Lemberg resigned. He can try to frame this as being about the veto, but it's not.

Fun fact: He has been trying to get rid of that unit for quite a while. I wonder why?

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I thought the Typing Ponee was reserved for Dear Shit-For-Brains articles.

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