It's not a Jewish holiday.

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You are TBS?

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Another alternative: Wrap it with a $50 bill. Everyone needs money...

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For Science!

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You know... that stuff that Stefan was saying....

about the pot...?

or something...?

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New Years? You mean Amateur Night?

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While a horrible tragedy in many ways, this week is going to inspire some awesome/awful movies.

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Irish People Libe..... wait... no. you're right... carry on.

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I loved those wafers as a kid.

As an altar boy, I would steal them and snack on them all the time.

Also: I am going to Hell. Probably even if Christianity is fake, too.

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Undrunken? Sarah, is that you?

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Sadly, every stoner will forget this sage advice by tomorrow...

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This is 2013. It's OK, you can say it. Let me go first:

Hi! My name is shypixel, and I smoke Pot!

We're here, we're high, we're probably hungry so bring some burritos!

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Towelie, you are the worst character ever.

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Oh now, if you unroll all the roaches around the house, you can usually scrape together enough for a j or two. Or so I'm told. Don't forget to check the freezer and the sock drawer.

But let's look on the bright side: If everyone in Boston stays inside with the doors locked, as requested, it may be safe to drive.

Also, the Bosox get to spend an extra day resting up and practicing wearing their caps right way round.

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Our growing season may be short up here in the frozen north*, but our soil is rich. My little valley housed a lake bigger than any of the great lakes during the last ice age. Not sure what it left in the silt, but the green stuff, she likes it.

(*No, seriously, you can't plant outdoors until about the middle of May, and our first freeze is sometimes in late August, with the occasional "Fuck You Gardeners" blizzard in the middle of June)

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