Just when you think the shitpile *cannot* stink any worse ...

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I’d like to see Clarence Thomas’ marriage voided because then he could be compelled to testify against Ginny

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I noticed. I spent ages shrinking my avi to fit inside the circle. Now, there is to much white space AND some of you people are spectacularly ugly*.

* you know who you are

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Needs to sack some staff then. Take some short cuts on the safety of Tesla's. Stop impregnating women like he's a common old Hershel.

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I found a shiny dollar coin just before catching the bus. Bet Elon wishes he had my luck, right?

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Nice to see a fellow Canadian. I'm not living there yet but I have dual citizenship.

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Welcome. So Canadianish of you, apologizing for being new. Just jump in after the Open Thread notice and comment like you mean it. And post lots of recipes. "Ten great holiday drinks made with Canadian Whiskey", would be a great start.

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The abstract floral pants are awesome. Men’s clothing could really use brighter colors and patterns.

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Dollar coin? What, are you some kinda foreigner?? /s

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I did not know about the 5-year PayPal limit on recurring donations. I will check on this and make sure are still getting my monthly donation.

Thank you Wonkette, for all that you do (especially that saving my sanity part).


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Idk, probably black licorice or something gross like that 😂

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a software engineer who worries state officials might try to switch the gender listed on her driver’s license back to male.

You're thinking too charitably.

Think more like state police showing up in the night to arrest and "disappear" you. Because that's their fucking goal.

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Are you Canadian? I have found that many vending machines don’t accept shiny loonies (dollar coins for those who don’t recognize the reference).

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We have very nice $1 & $2 coins. Course they will feature the face of Charles lll soon, but there's that.

I like to know that my currency has minimal contact with stripper coochie. Imagine being the delivery driver who gets paid $27 in singles? You KNOW where that money was before you got to touch it.

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'Am I Canadian?

We will meet on the field of honour! Name a time, Sir!

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Holy shit, those two are as cute as cat videos. I wish I could be little again and hang with you guys, even if I had to live in Montana. (ugh)

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