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Throw in some grubs tossed in wing sauce and you've got yourself a deal.

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What a snowflake.

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Deep State? Dicks? Are you insinuating something Wonkette?

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Someone's fixing to find out why they call it deep.

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Veni Vidi Vici Dick Joke.

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The phrase I'm thinking of to best describe today rhymes with "Ducking Fullhit." Best guesses: GO!

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Do not read the comments - folks unsubscribing and the usual Derp. Apparently Trump is a billionaire and Obama is jealous.

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My DVR has been neglected.

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The RWNJ media keeps saying that. That don't make it true. The POTUS can't pardon anyone verbally. It's a written, legal document prepared according to an existing EO on pardons. Can you see where I'm going with this? There is no such thing as declassifying something "verbally", it must be done in writing AFTER following established procedure from the EO last modified by BHO. I read it and there was nothing about verbal Declassification procedures. Don't repeat hearsay.

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You're right. It's one that went limp and fell flat pretty fast...

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They're thinking, " They're not getting us down. We're enjoying it. Who is this wuss, anyway?"

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I remember that from Reader's Digest.

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