With all the liberals infesting Montana and Idaho, and all the Teapers taking over Illinois and Wisconsin, I'm getting very confused. Next thing you know, NYC will be full of insane rightwingers, like Trump and the Koch brothers and that dreadful Walton woman.

Happy wedding yall. I'll do the annual clicky thang in December, along with all the other hopeless causes I waste money on.

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Sounds like you may be having a Paypal issue, but if you can't make Paypal behave itself, you can always do it old school style and send money to the PO Box address.

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Eggggggzactly. Ish.

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I am not A Expert, but I believe that even just clicking helps us. So you should do that! If you DO decide to click and buy some fancy panties, you don't have to tell. ;)

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<i>your Editrix and your Shypixel are making honest persons of each other</i>


(we'll be waiting)

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GW Bush urinal mints

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