They give you full sentences if you're lucky:

"The President, leaving town; budget negotiations deadlocked."

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show biz- living my rock and roll fantasy usually involves late hours, weekends and holidays (why do all you people expect to be entertained on long weekends?!?). Worse yet, these days it usually involves corporate events where I get to watch other people eat overpriced food then get drunk and dance awkwardly to bad Motown covers from a generic show band. Interestingly, contrary to Pyle, there's almost nothing sensual about it and the only ones getting laid that night were the ones who would have regardless of the pagan heathen dancing. I have my issues with Kipling too also, that whole White Man's Burden was pretty tawdry and arrogant. I did love me some Jungle Book though. And Gunga Din actually lends a bit of credence to the minority opinion that Kipling was being satirical with WMB, though I'm more inclined to believe he was simply a man of his times and that it should be taken at face value as the condescending colonialism rant that it appears to be...

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get back to me when he eats your couch or random 2x4's like mine does...

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In keeping with Wonkette's mission of spreading depressing news: Mallard Fillmore is carried by almost 400 papers.

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Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, Round and round and round we go. Roll this joint, gonna get down low, Start my starter, gonna stop the show. Oh, yeah!

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Thank you very much. That clears that up. I should learn to search the internet, shouldn't I? (Hangs head, shuffles off to put right foot in grave.)

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Only at pictures of puppies so should be named.

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Working this late on a Saturday? You have the right to ramble about whatever you like. I still haven't decided about Kipling, and probably never will. I recently re-read my favorite Just So Story, The Cat That Walked by Himself, after 50 years. He's dead right on cats, but the sexism is close to "but a good cigar is a smoke".

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OMG. THAT was hilarious. I really don't know how that totally pathetic cartoon hung on for all those years, unless it was to be that thing which all we boomers, Gen X's etc could mock mercilessly.

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I had a dog named Fred so I said my next pet would be Ginger. Worked out just fine as the next stray cat was a big orange one.

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I cannot stand him for his "White Man's Burden". What a piece of racist doggerel. I've used it in world history classes and the kids' jaws drop when I assure them that it is not satire, but rather that old Rudyard was dead serious.

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There is no good thing to be said about "The White Man's Burden". My ambivalence is probably down to a sentimental attachment to the Jungle Book and Just So Stories from childhood, and they have things that brought me up short on re-reading. That and being impressed by "Gunga Din" at an impressionable age. Rudyard has ceased from Kipling, and I should have quit posting a while ago.

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I hope that dawg's <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=iftoxlI_Fzw" target="_blank">grateful</a> for all the attention she's getting.

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Someone should develop an app that feeds you a book one sentence at a time.

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Q: Why did Phil Mickelsen call Elin Nordegen?

A: For tips on how to beat Tiger!

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Roll over Liberty...

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