WONKETTE EXCLUSIVE, everyone! We learned on Friday that June is the appointed time for the Supreme Court to cram gay marriage down every American throat , due to the fact that the Sixth Circuit, overseeing Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and this particular Wonket's state of Tennessee, became the first to say "TOO GAY, JOSE!", upholding those states' bans on marriage equality for,
<i>DeKoe was going to deploy to Afghanistan in a week.</i>
Nice of him to dedicate his career to protecting this nation. Too bad gayitude = hatred of what makes America great, otherwise he&#039;d be allowed to put &quot;patriot&quot; after his name.
<i>DeKoe was going to deploy to Afghanistan in a week.</i>
Nice of him to dedicate his career to protecting this nation. Too bad gayitude = hatred of what makes America great, otherwise he&#039;d be allowed to put &quot;patriot&quot; after his name.
Wonkette: Making Your World Gayer, One Couple at a Time&trade;
Thinking of other civil rights cases, like <i>Brown</i> and <i>Loving</i>, it would be more fitting if DeKoe were named DeKok.
<i>...&ldquo;TI&rdquo; stands for them responding...</i>
Good thing I saw this before I thought T.I. went and married Pharrell Williams or Robin Thicke. Blurred lines, indeed.
I didn&#039;t realize I was helping turn America gay by associating with Wonkers. I&#039;m so proud.
Those &#039;er sex toys, not weapons, silly!
David Fowler. &quot;fowl&quot; is in his name. Must have something to do with &quot;keep fucking that chicken &quot;