If it weren't so slanderous, I'd suggest that Steve King was probably making the death threats. You know, if it weren't so slanderous to say such a thing about a sitting Congressman.
Putin did have an opposition leader shot dead on the street outside of the Kremlin. I think that qualifies as shooting someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue in an analogous sort of way, don't you?
I have to admit that my first thought when I heard this was that it was weird. I mean, it was exactly what Trump needed, exactly when he needed it. A hell of a distraction from his current problems. But then I started kicking my own ass as I realized that even though that might be true, the odds on this gang of clowns thinking up any kind of conspiracy is just too far fetched. Still, it does keep people from being able to label Trump and Co. asshats for a while. Unless one actually enjoys visits from the police state...I mean state police.
"I'm from Utah, where men are men, and the sheep are scared. I'm from Utah, where the only way you get virgin wool is from sheep that can outrun the Mormons and the Republicans." - the late, wonderful U. Utah Phillips
Funny, there was never any soul searching or Republicans asking for a "better tone" when Gabby Giffords had the back of her head blown off by a right wing nutjob. The fact is that rhetoric is just that...words. Rhetoric does not make some crazy fuck go out and shoot up a field of Republicans. Crazy does. If it had not been politics, this guy would have "gone postal" somewhere else about something else. I'm not giving up my First Amendment rights to prevent crazy people from using their guns. I'd rather use those rights to prevent crazy people from having guns in the first place. And to call Trump a fuckwit.
Me to daughter: "So, Steve King is blaming Obama for the shooting of that congressman."Daughter: ???!?Me: "''Cause he says Obama was all divisive and all."Daughter: "You know, I always thought Obama was a nice, tolerant type."Me: "So, should Steve King go fuck himself?"Daughter: "With a cactus."
If it weren't so slanderous, I'd suggest that Steve King was probably making the death threats. You know, if it weren't so slanderous to say such a thing about a sitting Congressman.
Putin did have an opposition leader shot dead on the street outside of the Kremlin. I think that qualifies as shooting someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue in an analogous sort of way, don't you?
I have to admit that my first thought when I heard this was that it was weird. I mean, it was exactly what Trump needed, exactly when he needed it. A hell of a distraction from his current problems. But then I started kicking my own ass as I realized that even though that might be true, the odds on this gang of clowns thinking up any kind of conspiracy is just too far fetched. Still, it does keep people from being able to label Trump and Co. asshats for a while. Unless one actually enjoys visits from the police state...I mean state police.
"I'm from Utah, where men are men, and the sheep are scared. I'm from Utah, where the only way you get virgin wool is from sheep that can outrun the Mormons and the Republicans." - the late, wonderful U. Utah Phillips
Funny, there was never any soul searching or Republicans asking for a "better tone" when Gabby Giffords had the back of her head blown off by a right wing nutjob. The fact is that rhetoric is just that...words. Rhetoric does not make some crazy fuck go out and shoot up a field of Republicans. Crazy does. If it had not been politics, this guy would have "gone postal" somewhere else about something else. I'm not giving up my First Amendment rights to prevent crazy people from using their guns. I'd rather use those rights to prevent crazy people from having guns in the first place. And to call Trump a fuckwit.
As many cusses as I want? I don't think I have enough bandwidth for that.
Does Newt ever go on the teevee when he doesn't have something to shill?
Vice President Mike Pence hired a lawyer today.
It's not working. See twitter melt down that confirmed he is being investigated for obstruction
Hannity, Gingrich And Steve King should go fuck each other, because you know they really want to, and besides, usually they have to pay for it.......
This is a huge problem and it needs to be on national news
And when Palin's web site had an actual target on Gifford's district. And yes, the mental case / shooter saw her web site.
Me to daughter: "So, Steve King is blaming Obama for the shooting of that congressman."Daughter: ???!?Me: "''Cause he says Obama was all divisive and all."Daughter: "You know, I always thought Obama was a nice, tolerant type."Me: "So, should Steve King go fuck himself?"Daughter: "With a cactus."
It got blown off when he got waterboarded? What?! He never got waterboarded??! How is that possible? He promised!
Fair as in not trying to kill people by taking away their healthcare?