538 has NC light blue today.

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I cannot stand this lady, what a perfect pairing for the most hated nasty sleezy overbearing president elect in history. She is just so dirty looking, like the type to take naked bathtub selfies after she goes tanning and send them to your husband. She looks like she doesnt wash her hands after she pees and has long dirty fake nails. She seems like she'd sell her firstborn for cigarettes and would roll her eyes and mutter insults at a Subway sandwich artist for not putting enough spinach on. If you breathe too close to her you get lung herpes. Just a worn out egotistical aggressive shallow meat puppet with the mentality of a 17 year old. I guarantee she drives a bright white or cherry red sports car or ridiculously large gas guzzling SUV with some mardi gras beads on the mirror. She laughs the loudest at the bar and is that drunk slutty old white lady trying to relive the 80s dancing to cock rock mostly Aerosmith and Whitesnake at a bar at 12:30 am. .Look out, "Rag Doll" is her jam - extra bleach blond hair flips! This lady goes shopping in yoga pants Victoria Secret pink rhinestone sweatshirt and high heels and talks on the phone loudly the whole time completely wrapped up in herself while she buys a bunch of fart producing low sugar foods and gluten free salads to compensate for her 5 Cosmos a night calories. She is that lady you just really want to know how she sees herself because I doubt it is in line with how the world sees her. There is a zero percent chance she isnt having an affair with the gross male version of herself. Nasty and Creepy forming one sweaty fat jiggling unit of white ignorant lying empty flesh.

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She should have called him "The Donald".

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In any case, I guarantee he will call her Hillary in the next debate, because monkey see, monkey do. He'll imitate her, but do it more yugely, bigly, and smartestly.

I will not be surprised if he calls her Crooked Hillary to her face.

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I hate seeing those bumper stickers! They're usually on jacked-up trucks with yuuuge tires driven by very unattractive morans.

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I wondered if I was being oversensitive, but I heard that as well.

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That makes me so sad. No place on earth is safe from us.

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It probably really is his idea of being a good person. This is a guy who claims he helped s woman by bringing reporters to her gym to watch her work out.

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he is a condescending asshat

apologies to asshats everywhere!

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De nada


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I want that so badly, so I can wear it while I'm driving around with my T-shirt that says "You WHORE!" on it.

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I had high hopes that NC was going to go back to being sane. I thought they'd learned their lesson after Governor "NoPottyForTransLadies" McShitface made them a laughingstock.

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Uggh, I saw one of them thar trucks recently with a large print sticker that said, Git'er drunk. And other sundry repulsive things.Uggggh, sigh!

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"That's Madame Secretary, Donald. You know, like the TV show."

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Hilz abd Truml are virtually tied in aggregate polling ( she had a .5 advantage last week - he had a .8 advantage this week), and her lead opened up here after the debates.

McCrory is likely out. He's never been able to lessen the lead Cooper gained this summer.

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