Holy shiz, Haley beat Dump's arse like a drum in DC, haha. Not materially meaningful, but the margin, and that he lost to a wimmin is going to eat at him like an orca on a great white. I hope staff put up tarps wherever he is currently squatting

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Fun Movie:-)

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God loves broken people, fallen angels, and smart movies.

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The short should have been South Park Season 11, Episode 5, Fantastic Easter Special, also condemned by William Donahue. It’s streaming on Pluto TV. Here’s a plot description - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fantastic_Easter_Special

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I keep the cartoons to ones that are in the public domain, cause if not, knowing my luck I'd use a cartoon that gets Wonkette sued, LOL.

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And Alanis Morriesette as God. I think she was my favorite part of a movie with great parts.

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Biden White House May End Up Suing Fox News

Farron Balanced (4:53): https://youtu.be/fl_w2b6K9SA

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It is past time to blaze up a bit of Sunday morning sativa.

All HAIL the potent and euphoric strain, Candy Queen! [enthusiastic puff-puff/gracious pass...]

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Majority of NYT reporters want Donald to haul them off to the camps.


Majority of Biden’s 2020 Voters Now Say He’s Too Old to Be Effective

A New York Times/Siena College poll revealed how much even his supporters worry about his age, intensifying what has become a grave threat to his re-election bid.


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A NYT/Siena poll that asks people what they think, rather than "Who are you voting for?"

This is not a meaningful poll, it is a weapon designed to create panic.

It worked.

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I have about as much faith in these polls as I do in religion.

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Especially given how far off they've been during special elections.

Look, I know how everybody wants to make this about Biden's age but what's really been driving Democrats to the polls has been, oh I dunno, the loss of a FIFTY YEAR OLD CIVIL RIGHT. And now this recent Alabama IVF ruling is yet another boat anchor tossed at a sinking party.

And it's something the white men who run the MSM and the white men who run polling outfits have totally ignored.

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Nah, I'd say there's a slightly higher percentage of good polls than good religions!

(You're going to make me write about this eventually, and nothing good can come of that!)

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Nikki Haley thinks that Trump calling Dems "vermin" is the exact same thing as Biden calling Trump "fascist." Sure, no difference between those 2 things. I guess they're both true statements.

Nikki Haley was proud to vote for Trump TWICE. Hmmm...she seems like a moderate, who can really lead this country forward.

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She obviously does not understand the history of fascism.

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She'll get to vote for him a third time, once she gets around to endorsing him.

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She seems like a freakin' out of touch idiot reciting from her script.

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She just did her whole "can't we just agree that we shouldn't murder women who've had abortions"? Sure, I guess that's what passes for moderate in the GQP these days - not killing women.

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That's another "promise" I do not believe one word of.

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Dear Nikki, you will NEVER be president. Yours truly, Rosy

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She's not very good at this politics thing.

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She's actually a pretty good politician. She's convinced most people that she's "moderate." She's not a good candidate for the GQP NOW, because they only want Trump, their God king, but if Trump wasn't in the race, she'd be the GQP's nominee, and she'd almost definitely beat Biden, because she SEEMS like a normal person, but she's basically Rob DeSaster with more charisma. She's not a moderate in any way, but she's great at pretending to be a moderate.

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And she's an expert at talking out of both sides of her mouth.

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She’s a human weathervane

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That's why she's a pretty good politician!

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Yup. But a TERRIBLE leader.

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Oh, you're preaching to the choir - she was my terrible governor.

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Heads-up for a SpaceX launch later today, tentatively scheduled for 6:45pm EST. This is a crew launch to the ISS.


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Sucks that we have to rely on the company run by an avowed fascist to put our astronauts into space.

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Will it blow up again?

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Coverage begins at 6:45; launch is 10:53 EST.

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Ah, thank you.

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Since it's crewed, I'll refrain from my usual practice of wishing for SpaceX to fail.

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I'm kinda glad they scrubbed last night, since I was unconscious by 8.

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Never Forget!

Conservatives Tribute Andrew Breitbart on 12th Anniversary of His Passing: ‘A Force of Nature’


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We don't celebrate other forces of nature. "Yay, it's Hurricane Katrina Day!"

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We do have memorials every year for that. Not quite "yay" though.

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No worries, they'll make more.

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But he’s still dead! 😃

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Dead Breitbart is best Breitbart.

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'A Farce of Nature'...Fixed it.

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Good morning all! I’m feeling just...extra depressed today. It’s not awful, because I’m aware of it and know (I hope) it’ll pass. It’s just extra heavy on my shoulders today. 😕 Anyone have some good news they can share with me? What’s put you in a good mood today?

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I'm alive, standing up, and talking about it. That's good.

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Knowing that puppies exist in the world cheers me up.

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Hang in there. I hope it passes soon. I just had some left over chicken parm with angel hair for...brunch? Good mood established.

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Engaging here this morning has put me in a far less morose and brooding mood than the one I was wallowing deep within before sunrise.

We're all still here, sassy and snarky and sparked to fight another day.

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Spring is springing

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There are leventy zillion motorcycles in my burg. It's raining like hell so no vroom-vroom early in the morning!

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Rush Limbaugh is still dead.

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Woo hoo!

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Don't forget to congratulate him on his continued sobriety.

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I would do that, but Rush couldn't hear me since he went deaf from abusing opioids.

I remember how Rush always thought we should have extremely harsh sentences for drug users...at least until he got busted.

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It is sunny and warm out. Beautiful day.

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Well, Archie, the Ginger Menace™ and Resident Flerken, didn't eat us last night, so there's that.

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Of course not, you're emergency rations, like Baker's buckets.

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I got a chuckle out of today's "Doonesbury" - but the last panel brought up the question, "Are those assholes trying to revive their old meme about the use of teleprompters?" I remember clearly that the right tried to slam Obama for his use of teleprompters - but when PAB was shown using one, they kinda shut their cakeholes on this ( Oh, how I wish they would shut their cakeholes, period. )

Link: https://www.gocomics.com/doonesbury/2024/03/03

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It's kind of like how Republicans used to call Democrats "cucks" until it turned out that both Jerry Falwell Jr., and Roger Stone liked to get their freak on by watching their wives get drilled by young men of color. Suddenly, that's no longer an insult that they use.

I always found that insult more racist than insulting.

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Because EVERY accusation is an admission of guilt with these people.

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the whole "OMG Biden's so OLD" schtick the media is doing is just carrying water for Republicans who have been pushing that story for *months* because they know that Trump's dementia is getting progressively worse, and sometime soon it's going to be impossible to hide it anymore. When that day comes, outlets like the NYT can just shrug it off because it'll just look like whataboutism.

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Perpetual projection prevails.

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Yep. Not at all like the others. Not at all. (I remember playing this game while hiding under the computer desk…)

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In Marvel mythology he is the 𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒅 son of Odin. They made it very clear that Loki is a child of the Frost Giants that Odin adopted after he slaughtered the Giants ( losing an eye in the final battle ). Actual Norse mythology has Loki as a brother to Odin. Also, Hel ( "the goddess of Death" ) is not a sister to Thor and Loki ( as portrayed in "Thor: Ragnarok", but actually one of Loki's children

Sorry for the pedantry - I was way into mythology ( both Greek and Norse ) as a kid

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Thanks for the clarification. The point I was attempting to make was that people adapt mythologies to suit their needs(The Marvel Universe adapting Norse Mythology), hence the connection to religion. I didn't explain it clearly, my mistake!

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Say, have you seen the documentary film, Gods Of Egypt?

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