I am making a change to next week's Movie Night choice. I am switching Alien (1979) in for The Silence Of The Lambs after MUCH thought and talking with Wonkers. It has transphobic issues and trans hate is a very real thing. Even though the movie tries to say that Buffalo Bill, the killer, is not trans, that kind of nuance can be missed and as the movie Tucker & Dale Vs Evil showed, perception is really important. I know movies can be a place for discussion but sometimes you have to balance that versus causing hurt. I do not make the decision lightly, I know there were people looking forward to watching TSOTL, I am sorry.

I decided I will take that upset over hurting even one trans person.

The wonkmovie.com page has been updated.

Here's the new poster for Alien: https://open.substack.com/pub/ziggywiggy/p/wonkette-movie-night-oct-7-alien?r=2knfuc&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

The new Wonktober Frightfest calendar: https://open.substack.com/pub/ziggywiggy/p/the-second-annual-wonktober-frightfest?r=2knfuc&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I have seen Aliens multiple times, but only snippets of Alien. Looking forward to it. I have also seen Silence of the Lambs a few times, and didn't really need to see it again.

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Aliens is more action oriented. Alien is scary and a tension builder.

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I like messing with the MAGAts on my news page. I find it cute they think I'm wasting my time reading their well-reasoned and horribly misspelled replies.

I am not.

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That is a FANTASTIC movie!

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It's waaaaay too early on the left coast for you to make me smile so much.

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The horseshoe theory is mistaken, it’s just that the spectrum’s traditional definition doesn’t match our era. Instead, the true spectrum goes from people who work within the system to change to people who want to destroy everything, and the latter includes both far-lefties and far-righties.

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A spectrum, in politics, is wholly inadequate.

Horseshoe theory only looks true at a glance, because fruitcakes can have all sorts of disparate beliefs, including political ones.

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Only 2 senators didn't vote last night - Debbie Stabenow (due to illness) and Tim Scott (due to campaigning, I guess). The usual suspects voted "no".

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It is possible that Scott did Stabenow the courtesy of "pairing" with her: that is, I won't show up, so you don't have to show up. Even in today's polarized climate sometimes members of the opposite parties do this for each other.

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It's possible. Scott is one of the few Republicans that I believe would do it. And that he's running for president gives him an excuse not to be there.

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Someone had reported earlier that MN Tina Smith was also down with COVID - but it looks like she had recovered well enough to cast her vote.

Also, too, with Feinstein's death, there is only 99 Senators

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Can the horse's head be far behind?

Ron Filipkowski:

After Trump posted on social media Friday that Nikki Haley was a “Birdbrain,” Haley said she awoke this morning to find a birdcage outside her hotel room.


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It is only a matter of time before the dangerously desperate deposed despot gets someone ELSE killed. For real.

This shit simply must be brought to an end by the court ordering that monster taken into custody.

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Oct 1, 2023
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Smart people, yes. We’re talking about Trumpers

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trumpers are not that self-aware of themselves and their surroundings...

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Jimmy Carter can't be killed with conventional weapons.

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Jimmy Carter is best friends with little Lady Mormont.

(because fuck Chuck Norris. And Ted Cruz)

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Harry and Bear are loving the sunshine today.


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What is this sunshine you speak of? Looks out window... oh.

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It's weird, right? So used to grey and rainy.

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We are having a sunny day too. Shadow was so good while the technician was here - basking in the sun. He's usually a pest when we have visitors, but he decided the sun is more fun.

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I'm not crying, you're crying! Jimmy Carter turns 99. Gift link:


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Thank you for the link. Though it was hard to read what with all the onion ninjas in the house.

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On MSNBC now Maya Wiley is speaking and so is her cat.

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That kitty ought to get together with Cat the Ripper for some nip and conversation. Ripper has been SUCH a chatty cat lately.

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Axl is like that, also too. I assume he’s trying to register his complaints with Management.

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Queen Chloe, since turning 12 last Spring, has decided she has stuff to say. We have conversations where I say stuff like, "Oh, he said what?" and "You tell em Queen" to her diatribes of merows...

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Talky cats crack me up! We had a wonderful cat who would just very earnestly yammer away at your face. I'm positive he was disclosing the secrets of the universe and he certainly assumed I could understand him.

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Complaining about the quality of the noms and the small size of the portions.

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I never thought of that. I just figured that the late great Ginsberg was crying all the time because she was old and missed her lifemate Moseley. She would stop as soon as she was perched on my lap.

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Bear does that but only right before I'm ready to go to sleep. It's like he wants to tell me about his day.

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RFK Jr. running as an Independent, funded entirely by Republican donors. I wonder if he'll be "No Labels" candidate, along with Joe Manchin. We REALLY need to start taxing the shit out of billionaires.

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I don't know if the Republican donors will stick with him, given how badly his attempt to play spoiler in the Democratic primary went and how most of his support comes from the right.

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Billionaires and churches, particularly those evangenital Christopathic churches and religious associations.

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Also the Koch's "charity" that works to prevent any type of climate change legislation, and works to enact tax cuts on billionaires. How is that "charitable"?

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Damn it. I've been up for hours and forgot to take my levothyroxine, which means I can't eat for another hour and my tummy sounds like a T-Rex.

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As long as your arms don't get tiny.

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*insert masturbation joke* ;)

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'Failed' masturbation.

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"Draft Glenn Youngkin" = LOL

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Rep. Matt Gaetz Says He Plans To Oust House Speaker Kevin McCarthy

"I think we need to rip off the Band-Aid. I think we need to move on with new leadership that will be trustworthy,” the Florida Republican said.

I can't believe Gaetz can say trustworthy without horking up a hairball.

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I would love for Gaetz to make a motion to vacate, but have the vote fail...

However, it's hard to make Gaetz look even more like an incompetent asshole

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"We need to move on with new leadership that will be trustworthy"

Trustworthy leadership in the *Republican* Party? Yeah, right, Matt.

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Easy to spot, they're the one riding a unicorn.

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Who would even want that job?

... sit down, Matt, it's not gonna be you.

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This ought to work at least as well as hiring Laurel and Hardy to move a business safe to the fifth floor.

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He'll "reconsider" at the last minute after sucking up all the oxygen for much of the week.

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I wonder if he thinks democrats will help with this ouster....

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You ain't got the votes. But please, puke all over your shoes. It'll be good for a chuckle.

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Tearing the bandaid off of an arterial bleed.

Get ready to roll that crash cart. The nation is going to code soon.

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Go for it, asshole.

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Landline phone is working again and the technician has left.

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