Well that’ll teach me to put up the beginning of a HUGE NEW PRESENT I BOUGHT FOR YOU … on my day off. Because I thought we’d be able to “crosspost” and then keep Ellis Weiner and Steve Radlauer’s THE SPLIT up top all day long and then what happened was NOPE!
What happens when bartendrix Lorinda Moon finds herself with fruit of the womb after a one night stand? Well, if she wants an abortion, and she does, she’s got to get out of the Confederation of Conservative States of America and over the wall to the USA! It’s Carl Hiaasen meets … Wonkette actually, from a couple old men what used to write for National Lampoon and Spy plus other places, I don’t remember, you could probably look them up.
Oh right, and it’s a serial novel. We’ll put it up every Monday for the next 50ish Mondays. So click here click here click here and enjoy.
Love it? You could make me look good and pay the writers. Or you could wait till next week’s installment. Or never! Does never work for you?
And with that … OPEN THREAD!
I think the news is getting to us. I think that bad poll is getting to us. I know I'm EXTREMELY CRABBY after my day off and some of you are too.
Huh, I just realized, this being Election Day, that my old city must have dumped me off the rolls again. It’s only some puddly city stuff on the ballot, so I’m not too bummed about missing out, but it is a reminder to get re-registered again. I should not have to do this, grr. But ever since the giant ass boil made “fake voters” doing “voter fraud” a huge issue (not a real issue, but a nice boogieman), here I am having to try to mess with this shit from overseas. I will be getting Democrats Abroad involved.