I believe the NRA figures if this asshole prevails no one can ever be denied firearm ownership.

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Gee, you mean the longest lasting empire? What a maroon.


Regarding Johnson’s past remarks, like saying homosexuality caused the fall of the Roman Empire,

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Everyone knows that the Roman empire fell because they stepped away from their founders wish that cheese shouldn't be added to fish entrees. Well that and the rich started to refuse to pay taxes.

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The Visigoths beg to differ, and would like to take this outside.

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I've had contempt for JIMMY KIMMEL after seeing him in the misogynist "The Man Show" (with the asshole fucks Adam Corrolla and Dr Drew Grifter) back in the 90s but I've slowly come to relent as he has matured. He is still sometimes an ass but he is often funny and right:


“Polling a year ahead of an election is always super-accurate — and if you don’t believe me, just ask President Hillary Clinton,” Jimmy Kimmel said."



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I had the same realization after hearing him with his peers on the strike force five podcast. The men who loved the man show and who clearly didn’t take it as satire (I’ve heard that was the intent) were worse than the not good show, though.

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That punchline could have used any number of names and been equally funny.

But they picked Hillary. Because he is still an ass.

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I think the illness of his child and Obamacare saving his life without going bankrupt. He came out in full support of the ACA after that. Michelle was on his show a few times.

It is infuriating people don't even consider things until if affects THEM. I'll never understand that level of selfishness and self centeredness. It's how I view Rs.

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I didn't watch much of "The Man Show" but I saw it as a parody, not a celebration, of male culture

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That was the problem. I think it was pitched and started as a parody but 90s male culture was still groping girls at Lollapalooza and not ready to examine itself so it tried to play it both ways.

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Had a friend who listened to Dr Drew and Adam and I never could understand why.

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Same goes for all rwnj blowhards and Rush ushering that in.

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Today is Election Day, and I, as a good citizen, have already voted absentee. However, the rest of you need to VOTE LIKE A BABY STOAT! We cannot give an inch.

This is your Land Shark PSA for today.

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I'm not sure if baby stoats have a stake in Virginia politics, but I voted before work this morning. So, I suppose I can count myself amongst their august ranks.

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We have some local elections, so I will be voting later this morning. However, my oldest lives in Ohio, so she and my SIL will be voting today FOR Issue 1.

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Vote like a Mature Land Shark!

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Ok you have a point

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I know it's early, but ...

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Today's farm show polka ... The Wang Wang Polka.

Stop it right now!

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Fuck!! This poster I have says "Wang Chung Polka!"

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I now long to hear Everybody Wang Chung Tonight done to a polka beat

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edit: with accordions

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What about the Wang Wang Blues?

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Played, of course, at the Big Blues Ball

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Martini Glambassador

In our little town, we have a couple of incumbent City Council members getting funding from outside real estate interests - slick flyers, lots of signs, meaningless feel good slogans. They're running against a couple of bona fide progressives. Wish us luck!

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

Realtors are the biggest lobbyists, as measured by campaign ‘donations.’

I’m glad they recently were found liable for conspiracy to inflate commissions and fined $1.8 billion.

They lobby against almost every affordable housing legislation.

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It's a damn shame

It would be NICE to have a national association of realtors that held members to standards and let the consumer have something to apply to in case someone shifty got through.

But instead, it's just a friggin lobby group.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

The two I'm not even considering are Christopathic enough to smear it like feces on their campaign fliers.

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so my Roku TV has this channel called Stingray dJazz, I've had it on since I got up. They just finished showing the original Dave Brubeck group playing Take Five and now they put on a thing by Chet Baker. I like this channel, I think I'll be watching it for a while

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Dang, "Not available in your region"

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Well, here I am, up at goddam 5:00 am again because of the goddam daylight savings time changeover. Why the hell do we keep doing this stupid goddam thing? Every time the changeover comes around, a multitude of bad things happen. Heart attacks go up, Auto accidents go up. Domestic violence goes up. As near as I can tell, there's not a single goddam benefit to the change. Not one. Goddammit.

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When my cats started begging for dinner early last night, I told them "Daylight Savings Time ended, I'm not actually late." They reminded me that they can't read or count, and thus I was being an asshole.

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My Siberian Husky wants to be fed. As huskies don’t bark very much, I hear ‘ooh, ooh’ until I get up to let her outside, then feed her afterwards. It’s kind of cute & funny: a nice way to start the day.

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I thought Huskies had a reputation for being *really* vocal?

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When I lived in Alaska I knew some people who had sled dogs, the dogs were trained to remain quiet as barking at something while harnessed together could put them in a vulnerable position. That said, if the lead dog barked, they were all barking. They had to follow the leader.

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There’s a wide range, depending on each dog’s personality. Mine howls like a wolf when she hears emergency vehicle sirens. Other times she sounds like she’s trying to talk (‘ooh, aaa, wo, wo’ kind of sounds).

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I get to get dressed with some light instead of in the dark!

That is a slight benefit, for me.

So therefore, turning the clocks is all about me, as is the universe, necessarily.

-follow me on more tips and remember, if you're gonna have delusions, make them grand

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Then it can stay that way for you. I would be genuinely happy for you. I honestly don't care which way it goes. Standard all the time or DST all the time. Just stop with the twice-a-year changeover.


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To be sure, the light when I get dressed only lasts for maybe a month

Then is dark again

So it is not so much a benefit as a temporary boon

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[The Winter Sun has gifted you with a boon]

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heh currently we're stompin' around revisiting sites to make sure they have not been fucked with, and also, check to make sure anything that might be burned up in a prescribed burn are breaked around

It is not digging, but, at least it is field work. Like yesterday we covered 3 miles or so according to supe's counter thingy, up and down the hills.

It is super cold in the mornings, but then like 70 by lunch XD My body is going all....you are lucky the sun is out or I would rebel against this treatment

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Sounds like a good gig to me

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It will be funny when TFG loses the entire family fortune and the boys need to find jobs.

They'll both go into an Arby's wearing Groucho glasses.

"I'm Ronald Krump Jr. I need a job."

"I'm Derrick Krump. Can I haz one too?"

Pretending they could get hired, they'll be in for a very rude awakening when they get their first paycheck.

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No way will they work at an Arby's! They're *builders*, they'll go work at a Home Depot. I mean, they can probably appeal to the founder for jobs doing something that pays them way, *way* more than they're worth.

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Work retail? No way! Not those manly men! They need the feel of a tool in their hands.

They'll be at Home Depot alright, first thing in the AM. Hanging out with the other day laborers.

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Ivanka would end up at Subway ... because artist.

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Jarvanka are both so rich outside the Trump businesses that they will never have to work.. The Indian Creek lot, without a house, would fund a very nice life.

That said, I would love to see Jared selling encyclopiedias door to door and scrubbing out big nightclub bathrooms in the early hours of the morning..

BTW, I have had both those jobs and they are not fun, although the night porter gig did give lots of quiet time for thought.

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You're probably right, but a newspaper route would pay them way more than they're worth.

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Walter Mercado is back, courtesy of AI. He can wish you ‘mucho, mucho amor’ -- for a fee


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Lots of good behavior overnight. Good on ya's.

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I managed 7 hours' sleep. Me am pleased.

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IT'S VOTING DAY! DON'T FORGET! I'm voting on a ton of local races and noncompetitive state ones. Seriously, two of these Dems are running unopposed (one ended up unopposed in the PRIMARY when her opponent dropped out a week before the election--thankfully she was the one I liked anyway). My area is very liberal. It's other areas we're worried about.

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Vote early, vote often.

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(is parked at the polling station, waiting for it to open)

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We got some uncompetative things here too.

Unfortunately, they are for the Republicans

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I'm down here in Fredburg and early voted like the third day it was available. Really crossing my fingers about these two (Josh Cole and Joel Griffin).

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I don't trust Caroline to do early voting right. I do not know why (I do know why, I am a cynical bastard and my county is controlled by Republicn shitheels), I just don't.

I vote on the day just in case.

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They're so accomodating at the registrar's office. They always like seeing people vote.

This year with more swag!


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yeah but you live in a civilized county XD

Gotta remember, mine is so uncivilized, we skip funding schools so that our cops can have tanks

For you know, the whopping 30k of us that exist here.

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Yep. City mouse, country mouse.

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I have the day off because of elections, but I checked and apparently my precinct doesn't have anything to vote on. Around here, anyway, it's all local elections and initiatives, and I guess my town doesn't have any.

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This guy keeps endorsing Lowes.

Home Depot Founder Calls Biden A “Dunce,” Says President Is A “Puppet”

Marcus blames the social and economic mess consuming the country on President Biden, calling the president a “dunce” and saying he’s the “most divisive president we’ve ever seen.” Labeling half the country as a ‘MAGA Republican’ was never a way to promote ‘unity,’ he continued. The billionaire then talks about Biden’s deteriorating mental state, saying, “Somebody is feeding him like a puppet.” He warned against the massive spending increase and numerous policy errors that triggered high inflation and an explosion in debt.

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Marcus built a successful business 50 years ago. and then went insane as yet another example of how money and fame allow that.

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The social and economic mess consuming the country

Way to go, press. Slippin that right on in there as if it it is true.

Also, no one labeled "half the country." He called the MAGA Republicans MAGA Republicans because /that is what they call themselves

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This is the guy who said nobody wanted to work, right?

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I'm so fucking tired of the lie that reactionaries are 'half' the country. It's so common even people here spread it.

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The dunce and puppet was supposed to unify us, not insult Republicans by tying them to MAGA!

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How do you feed a puppet? When referring to a person as a puppet, it's common to talk about pulling their strings, which means that the string puller is controlling the person accused of being a puppet. Talking about feeding a puppet doesn't make sense. I worry about Marcus' deteriorating mental state.

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You're thinking marionette.

A puppet is when some clown sticks his hand up your ass and makes you say what he wants to hear.

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A marionette is considered a class of puppet.

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Huh. Learn something every day, even if it spoils my joke, lol

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It was a good joke, and I’m sorry my pedantry ruined it.

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(Pats JCfromNC on shoulder, hands over a cookie...and a shot of bourbon)

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He’s 94, and he just wants everyone to know that Joe Brandon is old so obviously is a dunce.

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Home Depot Founder KAREN

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'UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's wife just signed a deal worth 1.5 billion dollars with BP via her company Infosys, because BP was awarded a license by Israel.'

Looks like the Sunaks may get a nice oil lease off-shore of Gaza after the cleansing.

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This is why my rule - that neither you nor your spouse may make ANY other money while serving a public term- is something that should be a thing

First it would eliminate the grifters right off the bat. Secondly, it would prevent this kind of thing

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ApeFest? Really?

𝗕𝗼𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗔𝗽𝗲 𝗡𝗙𝗧 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗶𝘀 𝗮 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹 𝗲𝘆𝗲𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗲, 𝘀𝗮𝘆 𝗶𝗿𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗲𝘀

They're ugly but UV lighting blamed for human damage, not the dumb idea


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But this you can laugh at: the NFT market has also melted more generally, with trading volume plummeting by 81 percent from January 2022 to July 2023. Once a promised way for artists to reap continued profit on their digital works through royalties baked into Ethereum smart contracts, those supposed sums have largely gone unpaid on secondary markets, undercutting one of the primary use cases for the otherwise useless - and largely hideous - digital ownership receipts.

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