So now Lorinda looks like Dolly Parton? I hope in New Fuckastan they gave up on Dolly years ago, wouldn’t want them hounding her for autographs.

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It's amazing and terrifying how every Sunday when I get my installment of The Split, this country has lurched even further toward the white Christian fascist theocracy that the story is about during the intervening week. This "fictional" story is becoming less so almost by the hour.

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Huzzah for Sharon! It's people like her that make the world a better place.

I'm so happy Lorinda has found even more people who can actually help her, and want to. It's because she actually acts like a human being. I'm thinking there's not a lot of that happening in Perfection.

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"They want the baby. They don’t give a damn about you."


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Sounds sickeningly familiar, doesn't it?

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It is more than a little disconcerting that as this disturbing storyline progresses I find myself retaining specific details in the event it is ever necessary to implement them for purposes of both dissension and self-protection.

When and if shit goes seriously sideways here I hope I can be someone like Lorinda.

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(I think you already are! 🤗)

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<3 <3 <3

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It was difficult to read without expecting significant bias due to the use of The Stars and Bars Flag to represent more than half the country. Do you believe this is an accurate representation of our country?

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Perhaps the use of the traitor's flag is intentional, to reflect that movement conservatism is becoming increasingly difficult to discern from the old Confederacy. It's certainly one of the takeaways I see in this story.

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That’s what I was getting at… absolutely one of the most ignorant constructs I’ve heard to date. Are there rednecks that may hold that belief, but to elude to the fact that 80 million people share those views borders on mental retardation.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

The authors previously explained that the graphic was not intended to portray the actual geography of the Split, just to represent a country that was split. Because we all know that the west coast would definitely not be part of any conservative utopia.

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I gathered that, but since the Stars and Bars was an issue (AK - I think) it seemed out of place or subliminal.

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