Ah, the Zighuli! Never seen one. (Did see a few Ladas in Cuba. Impressively boxy, bland rust wagons.) Curious to see why a Russian made car would be in the CSA, I looked up Zighulis and learned they were like Fiats and exported from the USSR to the West. That doesn’t explain it, though. Is the Zighuli a link to Putin love?

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Probably because all the US, European, Asian manufacturers have gone to electric vehicles so old USSR garbage are the last gasoline cars they can find.

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Something to look forward to on Mondays!

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Ohhhh what a cliffhanger ending!

Well done, sirs!

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I wish the chapters were longer! I barely get settled in with a coffee and it's done, then I have to wait another week.

I always wish I could anonymously send these chapter-by-chapter posts to right-wing members of my family, just in case it could pry them away from Fox News for a few minutes to see what they're setting themselves up for.

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I wish the chapters were longer as well! This is such a riveting series. I'm sorry you have loved ones in your life who have been sucked into that sad, fearful world. All we can do is keep fighting the good fight, I think. Big hugs, honey.

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Being followed by a black truck is bad, maybe worse than a white van with "free candy" hand painted on the side panel.

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I have been informed by "the youths" that today's "free candy" van has "free WiFi" painted on the side.

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For all you suckers paying for health insurance:

Mary Lou Retton received $459,324 in donations. She and her family won't say how it's being spent.

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King crab legs and Cadillacs, if the rumors are true.

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First non—comment.

Edit: It's all I got right now as I wake up.

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