Just saw this segment. Screw Campbell Brown, Colbert owned her. That bitch is nothing more than the pretty face the anti union assholes have put out front so they can pretend this is anything but another attack on organized labor. It's the 'kinder, gentler' BS- "we love the kids" crap. Does her organization help get needed supplies or materials? No. Are they doing anything to get more training for teachers or modernizing classrooms? No. What do they do to "help the kids"? File lawsuits and attack unions, push legislation to make it easier to fire teachers.
She claims she wants equality for children, yet when Colbert mentions the obvious solution of statewide education funding to eliminate the huge disparity between rich districts and poor districts, all she could do is mumble "er, um, maybe". And when asked who is funding this, she refused to say *cough*ALEC*cough*Koch Brothers*cough*. Fuck her, she's just part of the conservative effort to sabotage and destroy the public school system, so her cohorts can swoop in and pick its bones clean...
I have a sad that nobody is sharing photos of their <a href="https:\/\/twitter.com\/Shypixel\/status\/495055650456891392" target="_blank">awesome new toys</a>...
Bad teacher usually= overworked, under supplied, crowded classrooms, no support from risk adverse administrators, punching bag for local politicians, dealing with incorrigible little monsters whose parents won&#039;t lift a finger to teach discipline or supervise lessons at home, lawsuit happy lawyers hired by those same parents looking to blame someone else for little Johnny&#039;s behavioral problems, draconian budget cuts and relentless attacks from conservatives who hate unions, etc
or else= a leggy Cameron Diaz soaping up at charity student car wash
Just saw this segment. Screw Campbell Brown, Colbert owned her. That bitch is nothing more than the pretty face the anti union assholes have put out front so they can pretend this is anything but another attack on organized labor. It&#039;s the &#039;kinder, gentler&#039; BS- &quot;we love the kids&quot; crap. Does her organization help get needed supplies or materials? No. Are they doing anything to get more training for teachers or modernizing classrooms? No. What do they do to &quot;help the kids&quot;? File lawsuits and attack unions, push legislation to make it easier to fire teachers.
She claims she wants equality for children, yet when Colbert mentions the obvious solution of statewide education funding to eliminate the huge disparity between rich districts and poor districts, all she could do is mumble &quot;er, um, maybe&quot;. And when asked who is funding this, she refused to say *cough*ALEC*cough*Koch Brothers*cough*. Fuck her, she&#039;s just part of the conservative effort to sabotage and destroy the public school system, so her cohorts can swoop in and pick its bones clean...
Just put a steak-um through the printer.
Puppets are 100% Santorum free.
That&#039;s Casper, the Friendly Ghost&#039;s body...
Rule 34
Sorry comic collectors, your childhood was full of jizz.
*EDIT* MORE full of jizz
Shouldn&#039;t the SMOTI puppet look more like <a href="http:\/\/www.customnames.com\/visittex\/headup.jpg" target="_blank">this</a>?
It&#039;s a big fuckin&#039; deal!
I&#039;ve been doing that for quite a few years now.
All Checkers go to hell once Uber moves in.
I have a sad that nobody is sharing photos of their <a href="https:\/\/twitter.com\/Shypixel\/status\/495055650456891392" target="_blank">awesome new toys</a>...
Lyft or GTF....
oh wait, nevermind
That&#039;s gonna leave a mark...
Bad teacher usually= overworked, under supplied, crowded classrooms, no support from risk adverse administrators, punching bag for local politicians, dealing with incorrigible little monsters whose parents won&#039;t lift a finger to teach discipline or supervise lessons at home, lawsuit happy lawyers hired by those same parents looking to blame someone else for little Johnny&#039;s behavioral problems, draconian budget cuts and relentless attacks from conservatives who hate unions, etc
or else= a leggy Cameron Diaz soaping up at charity student car wash
Can we have a Muscular Nordic Jeebus too? Because there are some things that Biblical Jeebus just won&#039;t do.
Are those Pez dispensers?
Because I just had a pretty wild idea/excellent use for a 3-D printer.
Yikes. If you think you hate paper cuts now...