This kid has altar boy potential!

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Sweet, sweet teabagger tears.

I'm in no mood to put up with their consciously ignorant bullshit. Sane adults can consider other people's behaviors, and morality, and metaphysics - and accept the <i>possibility</i> that they may be wrong, on occasion. These nuts have inoculated themselves from any source of information that could be objective. Just as with the homophobes, this neurosis reveals more about their inability to function in the new millenium than anything else - and if they want to participate in governing, they'd better do some soul-searching about what "consensus" and "mediation" <i>really</i> mean.

No more coddling. They've hurt too many people for too long. If they can't accept the dissenting voices in the USA as we are, I'm very tempted to buy 'www.VotingIsASin.com' and devote some time over the next two years to scaring them away from the polls.

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God, no, please. We have enough rednecks around us already, and we're a quick boat trip from Ohio.

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I hope he can get by on his allowance.

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joe walsh is getting his ass smacked again on local radio by pundits ("you had a rough night last night so i'm not going to point out that everything you just said is untrue").

apparently he's considering running for governor or (more likely) IL republican party chair.

as we flipped four seats from red to blue last night, i'm all for it.

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that youtube lady... just...wow... (she sounds like)

to be fair though, romney WOULD have won if more people had shared her youtube videos.

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Except 7 of 9, if you're into boobs and catsuits.

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You can rise above this.

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Just for you, I ventured there...

From the sane, mature thread about West loooooo-osing:

<blockquote>This is the worst Republican defeat in modern history. It reminds me of when the Democrats lost the civil war.</blockquote>

<blockquote>I hope not.


Today feels like the end of the world. I know my nation no more to exist.</blockquote>

<blockquote>Dear Lord...

I spit on America.</blockquote>

<blockquote>Regardless...make him Speaker of the House!</blockquote>

(some of these have to be snark... um, right?)

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I think Al Capone liked yellow ties.

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*aHEM* The Founders are from the GAMMA Quadrant, actually. /nerd

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How did you lose a point? My p-points have been frozen at the same number since they took away the down-fisty thingy. I assumed the feature was turned off.

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This kid has a bright future filled with restraining orders.

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