Did you think we'd forget ?
Friends, at this time of the year you need something like the Jesus Light Switch: <a href="http://playgirlmag.wordpres..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://playgirlmag.wordpress.com/2008/01/28/rando...">http://playgirlmag.wordpres...
Oldie but goodie. Or oldie and woodie.
my P&#039;s did not go on this wild ride.
however, i DID get the Great Gawker &#039;Yes&#039; and spent many hours tracking and changing PWs.
that was also really fun.
Hey, Christmas warriors. The world&#039;s most expensive Christmas tree is in a muslin country.
<a href="http:\/\/news.yahoo.com\/s\/afp\/20101215\/od_afp\/uaehotelchristmasoffbeat" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20101215/od_afp/uaeho...">http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp...
&#039;Splain that one to me.
pew pew pew
T&#039;PAU T&#039;PAU T&#039;PAU
Forget the tears, spray it on the mouth.
I swear to FSM that if I hear &quot;12 Days of Xmas&quot; one more time, I may just shoot up a mall.
Hey!!! I just noticed that Santy Claus gave me back my missing whore diamonds. (Don&#039;t anyone breath or blink. They might disappear again.)
Merry Christmas to All !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Yeah, I do say &quot;Merry Christmas&quot;, no matter what the fundie freaks try to tell you)
<i>&quot;Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer&quot;</i>
Warning! Warning! Danger, Will Robinson!
Yes, did this putative girlfriend live in Canada?
Friends, at this time of the year you need something like the Jesus Light Switch: <a href="http://playgirlmag.wordpres..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://playgirlmag.wordpress.com/2008/01/28/rando...">http://playgirlmag.wordpres...
Oldie but goodie. Or oldie and woodie.
my P&#039;s did not go on this wild ride.
however, i DID get the Great Gawker &#039;Yes&#039; and spent many hours tracking and changing PWs.
that was also really fun.
Hey, Christmas warriors. The world&#039;s most expensive Christmas tree is in a muslin country.
<a href="http:\/\/news.yahoo.com\/s\/afp\/20101215\/od_afp\/uaehotelchristmasoffbeat" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20101215/od_afp/uaeho...">http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp...
&#039;Splain that one to me.
pew pew pew
T&#039;PAU T&#039;PAU T&#039;PAU
Forget the tears, spray it on the mouth.
I swear to FSM that if I hear &quot;12 Days of Xmas&quot; one more time, I may just shoot up a mall.
Hey!!! I just noticed that Santy Claus gave me back my missing whore diamonds. (Don&#039;t anyone breath or blink. They might disappear again.)
Merry Christmas to All !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Yeah, I do say &quot;Merry Christmas&quot;, no matter what the fundie freaks try to tell you)
<i>&quot;Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer&quot;</i>
Warning! Warning! Danger, Will Robinson!
Yes, did this putative girlfriend live in Canada?