I'm not as well informed as Evan, but I was always certain the Legislative Shitheel award should go to McConnell. I'm almost as certain that Putin regularly toasts Moscow Mitch in the best vodka and cries, "May that man live and retain power in the U.S. Senate forever!"Because he's pure evil with liquid nitrogen where blood ought to be, and he knows a kindred spirit.

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And valid grounds for impeachment may well exist.

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Obligatory, sorry.

There are 10 kinds of people. One who can understand hexadecimal and F who can’t.

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There was a goober backlash against a guy presidenting while black.

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Much as I loathe Nunez, I think the Cali Shitmuffin of 2019 is McCarthy.

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There are two kinds of people: those who say “indexes” and those who say “indicies.”

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we can't rescind their lives, that would be bad....

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A Moscow Mitch balloon should be an animal dressed up like a Russian. But what animal does Mitch resemble?

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Close. Everything in America is great, and we are the envy of the world.

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I agree, Trump is a shitheel, but the GOP, the 1% and the fanatic right-wing churches are using him to gut the economy in their favor, trash the environment and get rid of pesky laws that say other people than straight white male "christians" should have rights.

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By not letting the hundreds of House passed laws come to a vote and if passed, vetoed by Trump the GOP can keep their corruption and total disregard for the safety and welfare of the country under wraps. Many of those laws would be great for America, so they sit and wait for the shredder.

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I doubt the Slaphead Robber Baron wastes fine booze toasting his puppets.

I rather think he toasts to no member of his kleptocratic government bumping him off before he can throw together his cargo cult version of the Soviet Superstate.

That's the problem when you ride a tide of criminality into power though.

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It would be an uphill legal struggle. The GOP would only have to stonewall for four years, then they could pick up the ex-Trumpanzee votes with zero effort by running the usual lie-fest about 'reversing your podunk cracker-arse votes'.

That's not to say it shouldn't be attempted.

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I'm hoping a combination of being installed by a compromised president and revelations of COI related to that would be enough. Layer on top the fact that many of these fucknuts are officially unqualified to do the job...

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And soon, to the UK as well.

Oh, didn't you know? The inflatable penis velcroed to the head of a fuckwit (our PM) has almost immediately gone back on his election 'promise' not to carve up the NHS' tastiest parts to hand to private industry.

Which suggests to me that he's already broken his 'promise' not to let US pharma twats set their own prices in the UK as part of a so-called 'trade deal'.

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