Woke up this morning to see this on Facebook...cannot understand this mentality at all. These people deserve our compassion and our support, not to be treated like terrorists. Assholes like Dylann Roof are WAY more likely to commit acts of terrorism than any of these poor refugees, but because they're not scary muslims we shouldn't worry about it too much, I guess?

Fuck, this makes me mad.

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You've already put 10x the amount of critical thought into it than the person who made that image.

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I see George Washington's face in what appears to be the demon's right ear. And the left ear appears to be a penis.

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So the fucking cross. Like, wow, when your holy symbol is a simple geometrical shape, isn't it weird how it happens to appear EVERYWHERE?!


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I was told there would be a 10th circle reserved just for the Wonketariat.

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Yes it does! Let's Roll!


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Wow! That proves ... um .... it proves ... um ... GOT IT: That lightning really does strike the earth 100 times per second

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AJ's Puffy Scamper ‏@TobytheBeagle1Feel good story of 9/11/15:[link to Raw Story]

What the fuck is wrong with people?!?

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Card reportedly told Bush "the nation is under attack". And he sat there. Keeping us safe from terrorists I guess.

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"Trogan Horses" eh ? Lemme think...is that a combination of a condom and one of Reagan's horses?.....still working on it....

srusly, where was Timothy McVeigh from? Or was he kidnapped while serving during Desert Storm and brainwashed to be like a Manchurian Candidate? (Islamic Candidate?)

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And now she's being all pissy at me and projecting wildly.

Then one of her other friends who fucking bloviated for an hour about how she wasn't saying it was karma but it was just too much of a coincidence is now suggesting that one of the ghosts did it. To which I hve responded


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If I were a ghost, I wouldn't spend my eternity making rainbows in NYC. I'd probably watch people have sex, hide car keys and steal stuff out of the dryer. Like normal ghosts do.

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duh, i imagine they found a lot of cross connections. it was a couple of very large building.

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