My second cousin is a volunteer firefighter. He lives in farm country in downstate Illinois. It's relatively rural there and it makes no economic sense to employ a full time fire dept. they use volunteers and share resources with the other small towns. I seriously resent Emo's implication that he's no different than an unpaid intern though, that's insulting as hell to someone who has spent a dozen years or more fighting fires.

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Chain of fools

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And don't call me Surely

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And I'm doing my part for the house of Trix also too. The sacrifices I make...

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What this Freeper doesn't understand is that one of the reasons I have $100M and he has $100 is that I've diddled the tax code so that while I continue to rake in the dough, his schools, roads, nutrition, and health care get it in the ass.

Also, when will the Freeper of the world understand that unless the $100 folks have enough to actually go out an buy stuff the $!00M will only be able to make money by stiffing the system of taxes?

And also also, what about...

Ah fuck it. This dude really is a shitwit, isn't he?

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the problem is- they really are that damned dumb

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So, how is your revenue <strike>spurt</strike> stream?

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You missed the point, mischaracterized my comments and also put words in my mouth. I am not coming at this from the place that you think I am. I was agreeing with what KZ said.

I'd like to continue this discussion but I'm getting blanked by the mod, so another time perhaps.

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and what about that fat guy who sneaks into people's houses and leaves bribes for the kids under some dead tree, why did he get to be a saint?

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HUH??? It isn't those evil public sector unions that stop big cities from having volunteer firemen, it's the fact that it's a damn full time job that nobody could afford to volunteer for 24/7. Whether they are unionized or not NOBODY is going to devote that kind of nonstop time to work for free. You wave that magic wand and eliminate those unions you still won't have any volunteers in the Chicago FD, you'll have paid firemen- only they'll get paid less and get shitty benefits. There's no paradox- it's the reality of a big city vs. a tiny town or rural area

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wrap that rascal...

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Christ, I just looked up that thread- it appears that someone needs to lose their Prog card and stick to being an Emo. What a load of rubbish- drinking the kool aid and spewing GOP/corporatist BS does not make one progressive

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I've always wanted to try driving on the Audubon

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that too also...

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Same difference...

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Actually, it's nothing more than the standard GOP argle bargle that somehow public sector employees are different than every other employee and thus are undeserving of the same rights everyone else enjoys. It's complete bullshit, but the plutocrats have done a marvelous job of brainwashing the public into believing that nonsense.

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