How fun to watch DeeArr grow up

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Transfusions became necessary for my mother, and then she passed.

When the time came, I wanted to put something like “give blood in lieu of donations,” but the funeral director (a “family friend,” incidentally) demurred, and it didn’t go into the obit. I should have told him to fuck off and use it anyway.

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30 is a piece of cake, ditto 40. At 50, the wheels start to wobble....

As a co-worker pointed out, 45 is the real sad, because you’re closer to 60 than 30.

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"Rwaise from your Gwave!"

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So my sweet cat died and that's a thing. She always acted so surprised and happy whenever someone okay me I did something nice. Like you feed her and it's her birthday. I decided yesterday I am never going to be happy again. And this is the one that I'm left with. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Sorry your sweetie cat died. But your remaining girl is very beautiful. Being happy is a choice. Choose well.

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Glad to see it was photoshopped.

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*sighs * You are right and wise. I am in the little-documented self-pitying stage of grief known as Moping, characterized by eating too much and tearing up over not much and also assorted grumpiness.

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Glad your friend's mom is getting better.

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They would just fuck it up.

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In those days we had an intermission. So they could sell us more shit in the lobby. And to give the projectionist time to change the reels.

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Go ahead and feel your grief, you need to heal, you don't have to be happy right now. Sorry you lost your sweet kitty.

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Hopefully the next one will do the trick.

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Thank you. She used to stroke my cheeks with her whiskertips and smile like she found it delightful. This one walks on top of me to tell me to get up and feed her. Okay, she's a nice cat, too, and I'm being a jerk about this. But the other one just persists in being gone. And I'm tired of it.

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Then I will pet my cats.

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I was planning on going to True Value for a few hardware-y things, but then igot stuck on the gardening after all and they close at 3 these days because they deep clean every day.

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