Get well soon RGB.


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I've always wanted a mini-farm...mini cattle, mini horses, bantam chickens and I'd grow mini-corn and mini-cannabis sativa.

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They're smarter than people give them credit for, really.

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Turns out the Chinese, UC Davis researcher called out by drumpf as a spy for stealing secrets, is a cancer researcher. So the secrets she allegedly was caught stealing relate to CANCER RESEARCH! Hello? Is anybody out there? Such "secrets" are published in papers for the world to access. Similarly, China is allegedly stealing secrets on Covid-19 vaccines. (Didn't drumpf attempt to buy a promising German vaccine treatment?) Again, such research is being shared around the world, or should be. That's the way science works. Which all tends to make us believe that drumpf is fabricating another crisis. Surprised?

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You can bet the GOP will be after Biden on the first day of his administration and they won't be civil about it.

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Not believing in your own self worth also doesn't work, because in some way we all relate to others by thinking "that other person is like me, but..." which in the case of self-loathing leads to omni-loathing.

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I read somewhere that sociopaths do well with clear rules, same as other neuro-atypical people.

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I'm a wizzard hobo, haven't got a house. A house sounds like a place with too few exits.

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Do WHAT well is perhaps the follow-up needed here.

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She is NOT A CUPCAKE. She is also NOT A BISH.

(That never fails to make me giggle.)

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If I get this wrong I really need a MoCA test.

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Pix, please!

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Some of us keep our dicks in a drawer, and it works out pretty well.

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She gets to spend Covid with Shy, their daughter, her son, who is in charge of fucking up the merch orders, his daughter, and from all appearance, everyone appears to be having a wonderful time.

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Yeah, for some time now I've been trying to avoid using terms like 'conservative' and 'the Right' because they have lost all meaning and just signify in-group affiliation now. No philosophical underpinning left at all. I actually try not to use the counterpart terms Liberal and Left, but mainly because all these terms just have a polarizing effect and cause people to pigeonhole others into just being 'with us' or 'against us' for the purpose of argument, and not as other humans to have a discussion with. Not that it's easy!

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