and they also managed to deny funding for ACORN yet again because- venal republicans must pander to ignorant base

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You can't reward the folks in charge of embassy security with a bigger budget in light of Benghazi, duh. Doesn't anyone pay attention to education debates?

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better that we spend 50 billion treating all the stuff we could have prevented, amirite?

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that's a bridge too far...

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I'm not actually a terrorist, but I did stay at<strike> the Holiday Inn Express</strike> Gitmo last night

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Who will fund the FEMA Death Camps®???

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But it goes to the NIH instead, where it could still be used for its original purpose, but Obamacare defunded!

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Congress is good at pandering.

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Everyone is required to shante, you stay and pay taxes. Guns are told to sashay away. And free shade education starting in preschool.

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