TFG played them too.

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I am not at all sure they do pay all the tax they are legally required to, as minuscule as that percentage comparatively is. I believe they are so flaming greedy most of them resort to illegal tricks and sleights to avoid paying even that - one of the reasons they maintain entire staffs of accountants and lawyers. In fact I think it was right here on Wonkette that I read they do not get caught by the IRS - because of those same ingenious accountants and tax lawyers - while a waitress who reports her tips incorrectly is gone like a salmon in a basket trap. The IRS could catch them, if it was funded for enough clever lawyers and bookkeepers and computer nerds of its own, but apparently it isn't.The result would be enough extra government income to cover the IRS expenses and a lot of infrastructure too.Just listen to the super rich squeal like thoats on the dead sea bottoms of Barsoom the day that happens. "Socialism! Tyranny! I've only got 200 billion extra dollars this year! The government stole the rest!"

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Yes, spend more time looking into how that tax info was leaked than actually going after the money that we know the rich *aren't* admitting to.https://www.washingtonpost....

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Is he really, though? It's not like he doesn't get paid for the time anyway.

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Job producers seem to be kind of dickish.

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And therein lies the answer.

The tax system is structured this way because the people who finance the politicians want it structured this way. It really is that corrupt and simple.

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Especially because most of his victims were Jews. Two birds one stone.

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You can taste the fear and desperation.

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It's all fun and games until you realize you've forgotten your moon rake.


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Unfettered Capitalism is nothing.... FIFY.

With appropriate constraints, capitalism can be a tide which raises all boats. With too many constraints you end up with a Soviet planned economy which like unfettered capitalism serves only those at the top of society.

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Turn it into a worker co-op, they deserve it.

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Real estate often has to be assessed for property tax purposes anyway. Use the changes in assessed value as the income. Make an exception for one house per household ( where it's only income when sold).

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Hmm. That's a fair point... 🤔

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T'would be nice if the poor folks who make up the proud boys and others could figure out that this - not the races - is their problem. But the rich keep well hidden.

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Thanks for the response, Elon. I always knew you were an asshole.

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Why am I not surprised that the bulk of the whining is about the leak of information rather than the rape of the system?

It's almost like the media is owned by the folks that don't pay taxes...

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