You're a fucking moron. Enjoy yourself.

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he married his stepdaughter. what part of that are you cool with?

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You didn't answer the question. Also, these people are not you; their situation is different; and nobody is suggesting you should like Woody Allen. Several of us are suggesting that a man should be only be convicted of things he is actually guilty of, though.

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He did not marry his step-daughter. He and Soon-Yi had no relationship, legal or otherwise. Someone here linked to the Family Court's ruling. If you read that you would see that even the judges that ruled against him did not consider him to have a familial or legal relationship to Soon-Yi (in fact, they complain he ignored her until she was an adult).

Second, how cool I am with him marrying his adopted step-daughter is entirely separate from the question of whether or not he committed child abuse against a seven-year-old.

Elsewhere in this thread I made it clear that you can dislike him or boycott his movies because of his personal relationships (or any reason you want). You just can't accuse him of child abuse.

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Also, you did not answer the question.

Is it possible for someone to be falsely accused? How would you know? What would it look like?

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Your rebuttal is somewhat less than logically compelling.

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Woody Allen did not act in a position of parent to Soon-Yi. The Family Court decision that denied him custody of Dylan makes that perfectly clear. It's linked to in this thread. Read it yourself.

As far as I can tell, Dylan's story has not stayed consistent. Moses says the train set is new. He would know better than I.

And I don't see anyone attacking Dylan. I don't see anyone blaming Dylan. I do see a lot of people blaming Mia Farrow, though.

Some experiences and feelings should be negated. Specifically, the ones that are not real. If you think Dylan's experiences must be real because they feel real to her, then you need to read Elizabeth Loftus. And now we've come full circle.

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1. I don't see how that's relevant. Movies about having sex with adults would seem to be against the proposition of pedophilia.

2. She was never his step-daughter, legally or emotionally. As the Family Court ruling makes clear.

3. He has not, in fact, gone on a never-ending press tour. He wrote one article several years ago, and has otherwise attempted to avoid the issue.

So two out of three of your points are met. Does this change your mind?

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Yes, completely. I no longer find the things he's said and done objectionable in any way, I don't know what I was thinking. He seems very well adjusted.

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1. yes2. i'd have to look into what they're accused of and see whether or not they did it; being imperfect, i might never know one way or another3. it would look like... not doing the thing

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i think that marrying someone who had been adopted by your wife is child abuse. it is deeply confusing, at best, to the other children in the family, breaking and twisting bonds to suit your personal desire. it is very selfish and very wrong.

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I think teaching children fairy tales are real is child abuse. But people still take their kids to church. Go figure.

Objectively speaking, marrying your wife's daughter - whether adopted or not - is not child abuse, unless somebody in this picture is a child. As for breaking and twisting bonds, you might want to take the particular nature of Mia Farrow's family into account. For instance, the Family Court judges (whom I have referred to a number of times now) clearly didn't think Woody Allen had a parental relationship with any of the children.

It might be selfish. It might even be wrong. But it is not child abuse. And it is not sexual molestation. Your attempt to stretch what you don't like into the most heinous charge possible does real and lasting damage. Not just to Woody Allen, but to Dylan Farrow. And to every child who was actually sexually abused.

Choosing to ignore the facts so you can indulge your outrage is definitely selfish and wrong.

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So to be falsely accused would look like not doing the thing you are accused of. And to whom must this "not looking" appear? Because the trained professionals whose job it is to investigate exactly these kinds of cases looked at it and decided it did not look like he did the thing.

You seem pretty certain you know whether or not Woody Allen did it. Based on what you read from Mia and Dylan Farrow. You did not read the investigative report, you did not read the Family Court judgement, you did not read Moses Farrow's account, you did not read Woody Allen's account.

I can't decide which is worse: that you heard exactly one side of a story and made a judgment, or that you don't seem to even be aware of the fact that you've only heard one side.

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that's an awful lot of assumptions about who i am and where i'm coming from. i haven't read anything from dylan or mia. i don't know whether woody molested dylan or not, how would i know that? i know he's a jerk and a creep.

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i'm not indulging my outrage. i don't feel indulged or outraged, i'm frustrated that it's difficult to communicate with you. a man who has no parental relationship with his wife's children is not a man i am capable of respecting. a man who puts his personal artistic expression, career, and love life above the basic needs of his children is abusive.

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So you are upset with Allen because he did not act as a father figure to the children Mia Farrow adopted without him?

For the record he tried to have a parental relationship with his own children, as evidenced by the court case where he sued for custody. He also has two children with his current wife and no one is suggesting he does not have a parental relationship with them.

Also, no one accused him of putting his career or love-life over their basic needs. You have redefined children's basic needs as "controlling who their parents marry." Again, your entire objection rests on Soon-Yi being in a parental relationship with Allen even while you assert that you are upset with Allen for not being in a parental relationship.

The reason it is difficult to communicate with me is because you are not being coherent.

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