This ought to get you up and about.


(a seriously underappreciated TV show, IMHO)

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A month or two ago, when teachers here in Oregon had already been moved up the vaccination list by our Governor Kate Brown for the purpose of getting schools open to help people all around, our protocol-fascist shitty newspaper of record The Oregonian ran a hand-wringing article about how the Governor’s policies had Oregon low on the list of states based on their rate of getting seniors vaccinated. Democrats were not getting people vaccinated. It used to be such a nice mediocre newspaper.

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Goddamn Dolly Parton, who helped fund the developing of the Moderna vaccine & is over 70, waited because she thought others needed it more.

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Was this cited in your thesis, esteemed Doktor?:


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Which would be fine except they insist on Japanese individuals from Japan. In other words, someone of the same ethnicity who has the same genetic issues that's from Canada or the UK doesn't really count for some reason. There's documented instances where the government has rejected valid studies done on Asian individuals simply because they weren't native Japanese and made them repeat it with citizens.

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That's because many of the episodes were directed by Robert Altman.

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Because our healthcare 'system' is so market-based, we have to be reminded repeatedly when a shot, exam, or whatever is at no cost.

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It's that same type of entitlement (with some racism blended in) that fueled the The Villages, FL, to vote for Former Dear Leader and led to the Three Kings Insurrection of 2021.

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What's a superb owl party??? Is it a party for elites who are only wearing Eyes Wide Open Owl masks in an all white room filled with live Snow Owls, along with caviar and Monet e Chandon champagnes???

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It's stupid to send kids back to in person school this year. It'll only be for half a semester, and will require teachers to completely overhaul their curricula AGAIN. Just ride it out for the rest of the year and bring the kids back in the fall.

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Back when there was such a thing as newsstands around rural Pa they would carry both the Pgh. Post-Gazette and the Pgh. (actually Greensburg) Tribune-Review, the horrible right wing Scaife owned rag. They'd always stack them right next to each other and it was often hard to grab a P-G that hadn't been running up against a Trib. but I always tried. Ya know, right wing cooties. Alas, nowadays the P-G is almost as bad; seems fascist bullshit sells in western PA now, even in Pgh.

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How utterly normal and boring. Call me back when we have jewish space lasers again./s(is it not obvious that I think this is a WONDERFUL thing? I do, it is.)

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My son Juan is my primary caretaker. He should be eligible to receive a vaccine.Signed Epstein's Mothers

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Wait. Are you alleging that my Governor Greg Abbott is an idiot? (Because if you are not, you ought to be.)

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This is why I have waited even though I am 65. I'll sign up after I feel like the people who interact with the public every day have had their chance. Of course I live on Texas so it may never happen but hey.

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