Gregory Ferenstein was thrilled to have the opportunity to trade a living wage in exchange for exposure.

He got shortchanged on the exposure dollars, because, <i>who the fuck is Gregory Ferenstein? </i>

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It seems to me that any media outlet that paid decent money to writers would have its pick of the best writers around, because money. And having the best writers, it would be the best of media, and everybody would read it, because US Americans really value excellence in ... oh. Right. Never mind, we're fucked.

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I believe the Congressmen frequently requested a bit of "exposure" from the ladies, IYKWIMAITYD.

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Me too. Jeez, I probably make $10 in the time it takes to read this post.

<b>PEOPLE! The DONATE button doesn't click itself!</b>

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Step 1: wall off your money from the rest of society Step 2: make people dance to come through the gate

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Gregory Ferenstein's experience raises the question: how did he pay for those unfurnished apartments in SoCal for five years?

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I'm paid in <i>p</i>-points. Precious, precious <i>p</i>-points.

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It's been replaced by exposure.

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Crime doesn't pay, but now jobs don't either, so ...

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I hope you tipped the sound guy or at least bought him or her a crappy beer. We work much harder when we're not taken for granted. Mind you, it's been years since I've had to deal with small clubs, but I still like beer- so there is that...

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Drink heavily?

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I would comment on this story except I wouldn't get either actual dollars or exposure dollars.

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Yeah, we should really finish that project plan update before lunch. (counts to three) HA HA HA HA. Finish the ... HA HA HA HA. I can't stop laughing. OK. Back to work. HA HA HA HA.

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Does this mean wonket will only be paying us in exposure for our comments?

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Gregory Ferenstein's experience should be <i>everybody's</i> experience! If any people exist that are wiling and able to work for Exposure Dollars, the other whiners can just get off their high horses and toe the line!

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Tempest meet Teapot.

One party asks "can I use this for free"?

Responding party says "No".

Case closed.


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