Something only "experts" concern themselves with, maybe talk about at academic conferences.

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Aren't we already busy with Critical Race Theory at the conference? [checks agenda....]

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Me too!

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So, like....never?

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You misspelled wallet.

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If it would make him vote like a Democrat the rest of the time, I'd happily let him pass "The Free Money For Senators Named Joe Bill," to just get all the corruption and greed out of his system in one place.

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She def rocks that hair better than Vanilla Ice, and rocks the music in ways he can only dream of!

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So we're going ALL the way back to dung fires? /s

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Also, too, if there is a "Buy Nothing" group in your area you can post an ask for an a/c unit. Here's the national site:


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Only just a tiny bit pregnant.

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Sadly, it was still far better than the status quo ante.

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Primary the fuck out of this guy. Who cares if we lose the seat. It's worth practically nothing anyway.

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Biden and the Dems let him sink BBB with no push back, face the fact they are all corrupt self serving whores. Same dance different tune. Disgusting , why didn't the F--ckin Times run this column 6 months ago; cause the game goes on. F=---ck the Democrats........ but wait send more money to the Clinton DCCC. Paul Begala and the raging cajun need new updates on their castles.

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I know a few folks down in WV and ain't a one of them thinks Manchin is acting in their best interests.

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Sadly, this will somehow get even worse when a sentient lump of coal running as a Republican defeats Manchin in 2024.

And that’s the dilemma democrats have faced for a long time now. Yes, Manchin is a piece of shit, but the alternative is always going to be far, far worse.

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If the Dems stood for something, anything, then maybe we would inspire people to both vote and to protect the right to vote. Being the big tent party of Pelosi, Schumer, Sinema and Manchin that is paralyzed with old age and "centrism" and "bipartisanship" is the same recipe for disaster for the party that has only been briefly interrupted by the personal charisma of centrists Clinton and Obama.

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