This judge needs to be removed from the bench for this disturbing display of state-sanctioned child abuse. http://www.ipetitions.com/p... Then disbarred. Then prosecuted for criminal child abuse.

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That is awful. And so freaking sad.

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I just seems to me that if the mother was that big of a kidnapping loon they would be trying to get the kids away from her and they're not. So it just doesn't add up for me.

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yeah, a very confusing case. why the "judge" blamed and punished the KIDS just adds to the confusion.

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Yeah... childhood...

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what kinda father allows his kids to go to jail just for not wanting to talk to him then expects a relationship? gee why didn't the judge just recuse her self and marry him since she loves him so much. that stupid bitch. is there a petition to get rid of her? I will sign it and share like mad.

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Is she a friend of the father?

A judge would have to disclose that sort of thing, right?

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My head is SO full of woodchipper fantasies right now. But not a scrap of wood, unless you count the gavel.

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Juvie is FULL of kids who shouldn't be there. It's been that way for decades and they don't get this kind of national outrage about their situations indivually or collectively and the abuse they suffer daily is many times worse than what these kids have suffered so from the likes of you I'd prefer the fuck off thanks and back at ya!

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I hold the judge in contempt of the children.

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At the risk of Godwining myself; Hannah Arendt offered a summation of this back when Eichmann was executed

...this long course in human wickedness had taught us-the lesson of the fearsome word-and-thought-defying banality of evil.”

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Reading other sites (ITS THE BBC, OK, I'M BRITISH, STOP BEING SO POSSESSIVE, I'M ALLOWED TO SEE OTHER NEWS SITES. And they allow comments) I can't see any objection raised by the parents - the father seems to support the judge because he 'respects' the law. WTF sort of parents are these?

See, this is what happens when you elect judges - they play to the gallery, and end up believing their own hustings. When you allow a revenge based justice system to establish 'because that's democracy' you end up with lynchings, not law.

Paging Mary Poppins...

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It's the address of the courthouse.

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Is the judge fucking the father? I mean, she pretty much gave him a handjob in that long-winded defense of his super righteousness.

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Well, that's the worst fucking thing I've heard in a while. The sheer force of will it must have taken that 14 year old to not ask the most logical question imaginable (that question, of course, being "are you fucking kidding me?") is astounding. 14-year-old-Savage would have gotten his contempt-of-courts worth on that one, I assure you.

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I definitely find the judge contemptible...

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