Bed Mice.

I like this.

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So it worked, then?

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Funny, but not real.

You think Willow is that clever?

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but still funny.

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I still remember him tugging at my skirt saying "Fuck, Mommy, fuck!" pointing at the milk he spilled. Try not to laugh at that! He then ceased to use potty words as a child, but he does swear a blue streak as a young adult.

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I'm very grateful to my parents for having raised me vegetarian.

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Helpless and hapless when it comes to being a parent. That "one more time" crap doesn't cut it. Worthless.

Poor kid as been sitting on an airplane for hours, riding in a car to and from airports, etc. Full of nervous energy.

You take him to the pool and work all that out. Give him a light meal of healthy food and he'll sleep until noon tomorrow.

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Well, the whole me being Canadian thing would make that difficult. (unless our Dear Leader, Stephen Harper, achieves his goal of making us the 51st state) As much as I prefer Obama to Harper, I'll stick to Canada. But I promise to cheer for her from the sidelines!

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"Pinkerton" an insult that needs to make a comeback. Willard and his circle of obsequious Pinkertons...

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Tripp, Run away to a circus. The clowns there are real.

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Son...it's cunt. Not faggot.

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<a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Faggot_%28food%29" target="_blank">with peas</a>.

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The Palin's aren't particularly unique and I think that's what scares me the most. I've spent half my life in various hickville bumfuckistans where slack jawed mouth breathers were the norm and I suspect many of you have as well. Problem is as soon as they bleed they breed, and I cannot see any way around it.

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Yes be afraid of Canadians! How do you distinguish an aggressive Canook? During the arguement he's staring at YOUR shoes.

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I'm being repressed - prolly 'cause I'm Canadian. Posting delayed is posting denied.

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