Freedom of Association !!!!!!

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Not OK. Telling tasteless Poll jokes is so politically incorrect. And Morris knows that these are, literally, tasteless.

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She's not dead, she's on her knees. You can fap with a clear conscience.

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Are you kidding? These are people who still pay attention to Jim Cramer. I've heard rumors that some of them even voted for Dumbya in 2004!

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I think he's using the meth. It's an easy mistake to make.

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the media's "trying to create a sense of inevitability"

He's right. The NY Times not only predicts a sunrise tomorrow, they're giving the exact time. If they say it often enough, I bet people will think it's true.

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When political pundits start talking about "the internals," it's code for "My gut tells me were going to get shellacked.

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Mittens is pulling in more money than Obama. In the Republican mind $$$= Win!!!111!

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Jesus H Piaffing Christ, talk about pulling it out of your ass. I don't even care who the fucking pollster is (guessing it's <i>not</i> Republicomussan, because those numbers would likely become public).

1. 13 "swing" states is one more than any other analysis I've seen.

2. Of the "swing" states, almost all of them currently "lean Obama". Fluctuations don't really matter much until they get into the "tossup" range.

3. Speaking of fluctuations, while 600 is a respectable sample, it still has an error margin of what, about plus-minus 3%? I'm speaking very loosely about statistics here, but my point is this: unless the alleged "improvements" or "slips" exceed the relevant probable errors, they are statistically meaningless. Of course, we have no way to judge this, because we don't have the "real numbers".

4. As a consequence of propositions 1-3 above, Dick Morris is an irredeemable piece of shit. QEMFD.

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What a maroon.

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Poll questions 1. Do you consider 'Obamacare' to be either an evil,socialist, anti-religious, government take-over of health care, or do you consider it a sell-out to insurance companies?

2. Do you, therefore, think that Obama has failed to deliver a meaningful solution to the health-care problem?

3. Based on your answers to the previous two questions, are you less likely to support Obama in this election than in the previous one?

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Are the comments gone or is it just me?

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It certainly applies to everything Romney says.

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You won't go broke betting against Dick Morris.

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you mean like this? <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2012/08/..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.cnn.com/2012/08/02/opinion/bennett-rom...">http://www.cnn.com/2012/08/...

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<i>To read the media, one would think that Romney had a terrible month</i>

so what does 'a terrible month' look like to you dick?

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