Sarah & Todd eloped: Track born 8 months later. Bristol has baby sans marriage. Why don't we avoid the negativity of 'out-of-wedlock' and 'unwed mothers' and just have marriage as a civil and tax-related contract? No more church weddings unless you do it after the civil procedure, which will be the only one that legally matters.

No one should be indebted for the horrible cost of a full blown wedding and half the people will get divorced any way.

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They're called "short buses" in my neck of the woods.

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Republican hubbies are never "off the market". "Off the books", maybe.

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That might explain what the GOP means by "family values".

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All that family devalue stuff would not have happened if gays marriage had been banned in Alaska. I mean, more banned than it was.

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"She was also lil' Tripp's live-in babysitter."

Getting it on with the hired help, eh? The Ahnold is strong in this one.

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yeah, it was a great church there for a while, but the finances were fubar'd and then it just fell apart.

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Nice too see jeans are considered formal wear in Alaska.

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What about Volare?

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figures. the kid who goes all mainstream normal and gets all straight married in the family values family doesn't get rewarded like the unmarried teenage mom.


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I didn't know if you were thinking of Burning Spear or his daughter Britney.

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It's probably Arnold's kid.

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Buster Condom

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I used to belong to the Disassembly of God.

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