Stopped watching the show years ago because the so called liberals can't come up with any better responses than scoff, guffaw and sarcasm. Meghan can take over the conversation at any time because she's better prepared. If I'm Joy Behar I'm coming with specifics to lay down at Megs feet. But I'm not so this is what we get. Weak sauce.

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one of my pet peeves is people enunciating a statement like it's a question and tantrum throwing Megs McCabe never fails to disappoint in that regard.

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You know, if not for Wonkette, I'm not sure I'd have any idea who Meggles even is.

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Since John said, "Oops! Sorry dear."

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do you at least know who her father was because she never mentions that.

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John McCain's daughter, Meghan McCain, is called "Meghan McCain". You might know her father, John McCain- he had a daughter, Meghan McCain who was the child of John McCain before becoming the grown adult daughter of John McCain. John McCain named this daughter Meghan, and Meghan McCain, John McCain's daughter, is that daughter that John McCain had.

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"I think there are ways we can have better spokespeople explaining our ideology"

An important note- when people use the politically correct term "explaining our ideology" it means "telling people what we believe and how we will implement those beliefs in policy". This is mealy-mouthed leftism. When an honest, rugged conservative who tells it like it is says "explaining our ideology" they mean "phrasing things we claim to believe in a way that makes them seem less aggressive and destructive than they are so that people can claim to share those beliefs no matter how often and how much they act in violation of them". For an example, see the explanation of the ideology of the "Pro-life" movement, and how little it cares about children as opposed to foetuses.

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OT but fucking beautiful

Letter Bari signed: people shouldn’t have to fear professional consequences for their viewsToday’s Bari letter: NYT employees who don’t like me should have been “met with appropriate action.” pic.twitter.com/zCowtJWoIh

— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) July 14, 2020

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His name is Adam.

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Betsy inherited a hell of a lot more money than Meghan, but they both inherited just about the same amount of brains and simple human decency, so wealth can, too, be a great leveler.

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Frankenstein's creature has a name, and that name is Adam.

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God, this is so typical: this is what they do. It's all motes and beams with them. These are people who can wail about cancel culture in one segment, outraged because some racist comedian has been called out, and in the next segment fan the flames so that some liberal professor is fired for criticizing capitalism out loud, making Charlie Kirk feel bad about himself.

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...and your world, at least, would have been a better place.

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I didn't, actually, because it looked like utter horse shit. I mean, I probably will end up watching it one day but...urgh.

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More importantly, they shouldn't be open in the first place.

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So Meghan is John McCain's daughter!?I don't think she's ever mentioned that, such modesty.

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