You should have asked him if the Founding Fathers thought "well-regulated" meant only shooting one bullet at a time, in sequence? And if you can still be a "militia" if you tuck your pistol into your sweatpants band, or do you need a real holster thingy to qualify?

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Can you really trust an organization that has <a href="http:\/\/www.oxfam.org\/en\/about\/ambassadors\/coldplay" target="_blank">Coldplay</a> among its global ambassadors?

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Why not? Chris Martin's wife is an expert on starvation.

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Besides, any poors who have time to eat clearly aren't slaving enough.

More tea, Higgins.

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Tasty maybe...but still toxic.

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<a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/The_Queen_of_Hearts_%28poem%29" target="_blank">The Knave of Hearts?</a>

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Great idea...but I don't know what to do.

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Buy local.

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