It rather sounds like someone is trying to avoid being shown to be culpable and also that probably erases him egging the guy on.

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Joining a WoW style online video game would be an immensely better cause already. At least they would be only shooting pixels and some might even come up with another music video.https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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What kind of monster finds that amusing?

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You should have reported her as a child abuser because with an attitude like that I'm sure she is, but we are better than that.

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That duck goober still thinks that. When he is the one who looks like he would like to get it on with livestock.

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Yup, just like all those rabidly anti-gay conservatives/pastors/public officials who HATE homosexuality until they get caught doing some man-loving on the down-low, I suspect a lot of the alt-right's obsession with child molesters stems from the same source....

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Yet another lone wolf lost from the pack. I don't suppose the Faux News gasbags will be talking about how he got "radicalized".

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"terrified of the prospect of getting kicked out and having to find a real job..."

Well, problem solved.

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And ... it wasn't me who thought and wrote this first, I think it might even have been the amazing Robyn Pennacchia, here on Wonkette, but whether or no ...They need to hate with a total seething hate and feel they are right to do so. That isn't easy over a mere political or social disagreement. Therefore, they have to see those who disagree with them as perverted Satanist child-sacrificing cannibals, and traitors and enemies of God and the U.S.A., and rage and roar and demand their extermination like a bunch of insensate Daleks. Because they are so emotionally fucked that it's the closest thing to a real feeling they are ever going to know.

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I checked the online record of hard-line right wingers and GOP members who have been actually charged and convicted on grounds of sex with minors. It was eye-opening. As for evangelists, when it isn't sexual offences, it's usually fraud and tax evasion. A matter of legal record, not empty accusation or conspiracy theory.

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I agree. The danger of promoting bullshit is the danger of starting to believe it. I wonder how many phoney psychics and prophets started out just wanting to avoid honest work, and then, as people began to believe in them, had what they told themselves was an epiphany and thought, "Hey, maybe there is something to this after all and maybe I can really do it."The poet Robert Browning was hip this self-deception process in 1864. Check out his "Mr. Sludge, the Medium", pretty much unknown now, and see if you think it's relevant in our culture. I do.

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My oath they have!

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Maybe it's the ones that are loners due to being rejected by others that become the problem. I consider myself a loner by choice. I'm around people all day at work which is more than enough for me. In my precious free time, my preference is to be at home with my animals and have zero human contact. I'm not at all lonely. I prefer my own company and that of my animals. These times are when I'm truly happy.

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Thank you for this. Every time people say stuff like “it’s just to piss you off” or “you mad bro?” I want to scream. Language forms our reality. The language we use, the rhetoric, makes us who we are. This is not hippie dippy stuff, this is biomechanics. Words matter.

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Oh, man. I didn't know encyclopedia dramatica was still around!

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Well I'm shocked. Shocked that a RWNJ would prove to be a mentally disturbed killer. They're normally so polite and respectful of others' views while demonstrating empathy and compassion for their fellow man.

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